
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:36:30
selective course和optional course有什么区别?貌似这两个一个是必须从一堆里选几个的选修课,一个是可以选可以不选的选修课.有这么回事吗? 那个optional course和elective course相比哪个的自由度差点? 完成下列与鸟有关的成语比喻受困而不自由的人,也比喻易于擒拿的敌人.像聚集的鸟兽受到惊吓飞奔逃散,比喻崩溃逃散的情景. 英语翻译 帮忙做一下下面与鸟有关的成语.1.比喻侍奉尊亲的孝心.( )2.形容光阴迅速流逝.( )3.像鸟类或鱼类那样聚集在一起.形容聚集的很多.( )4.比喻事情成功之后,把曾经出过力的人一脚踢开. 怎么样乌鸦怎样来形容乌鸦 33.Born and brought up in ( ) village,some of them have never seen a train.(本题分数:2 分.) A33.Born and brought up in ( ) village,some of them have never seen a train.(本题分数:2 分.) A、 Removed B、 Remote C、 Far D、 desert 乌鸦怎么样 乌鸦是如何来的! course和lesson的区别 course与lesson,program如何区别 hope可以从句,wish可不可以,它们有什么区别 a plate of cum这个词怎么用?Enough Cum to Ice the Cake如何翻译? he tables in the restaurant are so close together that there's hardly any room to move ___ theA.among B.between C.in the middle of D.at the centre of 正确答案是B,为什么?最后一个是them I have never got the third place even once这句话中 为什么用third I have never got the____place even once I have never got the () place even once.这个句子是以下网址里第二篇阅读填空里75题,我不懂为什么要填third, just like后面可以加什么?你可以和这个玩具说话就像和我说话一样.用just like 造句 最近88.7播放的一首歌,开头部分是个女的唱的,最后几句有一句好像是JUST LIKE YOU LIKE,又重复了一遍这句词,然后就是一个男的开始说唱,英文里还加了几句西语,就是昨天(3月23日)早上8点半左 Some men are under the tree.(同义句)Under the tree ____ _____ ____. 乌鸦怎么叫的? 这是乌鸦么 Do you have a goal ? Today I would like to speak to you about the importance of deadlines 求原文~ My overcoat cost (RMR120)对括号内提问 _____ _____ _____ your overcoat cost? This is more than my suit cost . 我想问一下,这句话的句子结构怎么分析? 用I've造句 句意必须是去了一个派对. i want have a good girlfrend什么意思 I've got 造句用I've got 造几个句字,越多越好. 急求翻译This is not real statistics. 用already怎么造句 already和return怎么造句 Would you like some ______(toast)?