
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:13:35
初二英语(句型转换,每空一词)1.She was (brushing her teeth) when I called her.(就括号中的部分提问)_______ _______ she _______ when you called her?2.June often forgets to turn off the tap.(改为一般疑问句)_______ during the past 3 years=in the last 3 years(现在完成时) in the past、last 15 years1.during the past 3 years=in the last 3 years(现在完成时)2.in the past、last 15 years我需要上面两个知识点的解析(区别)、例句, 初二英语句型转换(每空一词)同义句替换I'm going to travel all over the worldI'm going to _____ the worldI spent 5 yuan buying the pen.I _____ the pen ____5 yuan By+现在时间 by+过去时间 in the past few years in the last few years 各是什么时态? 初二英语(句型转换,每空填一词)1.I had an argument with my best friend.(改为同义句)I_____ _____ my best friend.2.My clothes aren't trendy.(改为同义句)My clothes are _____ ______ _____.3.What's wrong?(改为同义句)What' in the past few years是不是现在完成时的标志,现在完成时的标志还有那些? 句型转换(含缩写词)1:it is my first time to be in a plane,so i don't know what i do.(同意句转换)it is my first time to travel( )plane,so i don't know what( )do.2:you become a professional soccer player.you well never go to college.( 初一下册英语易错题 初一下册英语易错题有哪些? 1.he'd like a cup of tea(改为一般疑问句)2.Jack wants to eat some apples(改为同义句)3.根据答语填入适当的问句?---_______________________?---I would like some rice and beef for dinner. 初一下册英语8单元的单词mp3的那种可以听的还有一句话.急用啊 英语单词语法题速度 初中英语词汇语法题(动词不定式) ,练习11)I'mafraid they would not allow him____here.A)smoking B)smokes C)tosmoke D)somke2)My work is ____ the room everyday.A)clean B)to clean C)cleaningD)cleans3)Mr Li often teaches hisJapanese fri 把下列句子改成否定句和一般疑问句,并作否定回答.Tom is watching TV.We go to a movie on weekends.Sue and Sally are taking on the phone.I am doing homework now.There is some money on the desk. 英文简介(200字左右)《冬天的骨头》英文简介,200字左右.注:单词不要太深奥!急!!!!!!! 我先说:I like bananas,he likes bananas ,too.接着,我可以说:“We like bananas” 用英文描述你最喜欢的一个人,我想描述我的妈妈,她是长头发,大眼睛,个子不高,我觉得很漂亮.要用初一的知识, do some washing,do some cleaning等这种do some+ing结构的词组,在疑问句或否定句中,some要变any吗 I get to school by bus.变特殊疑问句后面不加ING到底是句子的变化还是do后跟原形如题,他到底是get to school没有加ing所以特殊疑问句才是how do you get to school 还是助动词do用在疑问句后 动词应该用原 请教大家几个英语方面的问提1.You can see snow _________ at the North Pole.A.in frontB.at that timeC.on big piece of iceD.here and there2.________do you sleep every night?-Six to eight hours.A.How longB.How oftenC.HowD.How many times3.John 在疑问句中动词用原形还是ing形式Are they ____football on the playground?A.playB,playing ing改一般疑问句要不要去掉? 一般疑问句的动词要加ing吗 有一项工程要在规定日期完成,如果甲工程队单独做正好如期完成,如果乙工程队单独做就要超过4天完成现由甲、乙两队合作3天,余下工程由乙队单独做正好如期完成,问规定日期是多少天 Maybe he put it in his pocket,____he?A.does B.doesn'tC.didD.didn't选什么并说明理由. 一道别人提过的英语题Dinner was almost over when Dan still looking hungry grinned and asked Dave _____ he wasn't going to have some bread.a.that b.if c.whether d./ 除了以does,do开头的疑问句不是动词原形的变成动词原形,还有别的吗.例,who____ the woolen sweater here?------jim did有hang,hangs,hangrd,hung,为什么用hung过去式,而不用hang难道不能变为动词原形吗,我快忘得 有一工程,须在规定日期完成,如甲工程队独做,恰好如期完成,如乙队独做,就要超过现定日期三天,现在由甲乙两队合做2天,剩下的由乙队独做,刚好如期完成,规定日期是几天? 英语问提I don't know waht I should do next.的同义句What beautiful flowers they are!的同义句Mr Brown will come to Shenzhen by plane.的同义句根据中文提示,补全句子.每空一词.他住在一栋带有花园的大房子里.He_____ 某工程若由甲工程队单独做,恰好如期完成:若由乙工程队单独做,要超过规定日期3天可完成现由甲,乙两工程队合作两天,剩下的由乙工程队独坐,恰好也可以在规定日期完成.求该工程规定日期 英语,的月考考卷是人教版的 上课迟到800字的检讨我们班的摆车同学上课迟到,老师罚我们全班写800字的反思,就是因为,摆车同学一而再再而三的因为班车而上课迟到,要切合实际点的,