
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 16:22:12
根据下列已知条件,能唯一画出上△ABC的是A.AB=4,BC=3,∠A=30度B.AB=5,AC=6,∠A=45度C.∠A=30度,∠B=60度,∠C=90度 I don't know that girl __the glasses(A.wear B.put on C.in D.dress)My father is a teacher .Lool!He is __to his students.(A.speaking B.talking C.telling D.saying)My pen pal is from __.She can speak ___.(A.Japan;Japan B.Japanese;Japanese C.Japan;Japanes 两条不平行的直线,其平行投影不可能是( ) Al两条平行直线 B一个点和一条直线 C两条相交直线 D两个点为什么选D为什么不选A 有知道下面填空的请帮忙 根据汉语完成英语句子 —— ——that they can do it —— ——. What a pity!Considering his ability and experience,he(?)better.The key is"might have done".Why n...What a pity!Considering his ability and experience,he(?)better.The key is"might have done".Why not"can have done"? what a pity considering his ability and experience,he __better.A need have done B must have done C couldf have done D might have done 为啥选D不选C What a pity!Considering his ability and experience,he_better. A.can have done B.might have done What a pity! Considering his ability and experience, he _____ better. A. need have done B. must have done C. can have done D. might have done 分别与两条异面直线同时相交的直线为什么不可能平行? words___me when I wated to express my thanks to him for having given me so much helpfailed left disappointed flew选择并翻译 we need three or four___(play)in the game.理由we need three or four___(play)in the game.理由 There are ____ months in a year.December is the _____month There are ____months in a year.Octorber is the _____month我英语语法好差,希望高手指点指点!谢谢!我要知道原因,为什么第一个空是twelve 而不是twelfth there're _(12) months in a year and december is the _(12)month of the year.根据括号里的填 英语翻译 i,who love money better than my life,love you who have have tens of thousands of money这句话看到好多人都写过 不知道什么意思 有出处吗? eat enough nothing to 我想要我英语老师的签名,但是我不好意思开口.(用would have造句.I would have.)是用would have造句啊! have been.to造句并翻, have a talk正确还是have a talking正确什么情况下名词需要变成动词英语中什么词必须接什么词,这类的知识点? A knife you have life这句话是什么意思 请问一个名词解释写多少字为宜 have a lesson后加哪个介词 蜀山兀 阿房出与楚人一炬,可怜焦土有什么联系 为什么“蜀山兀,阿房出”?是因为阿房是用蜀山之木造成的吗我是说:蜀山光秃了,阿房宫建成了,(兀:是指木头被伐完),何以言之,阿房宫建成与木头有和干系 “六王毕,四海一,蜀山兀,阿房出”和“先是,庭中通南北为一”有什么相同的词类活用 “蜀山兀”的“兀”的活用类型 "蜀山兀 ,阿房出”与“楚人一炬,可怜焦土”有何内在的联系 根据下列条件,能画出唯一△ABC的是A AB=3 BC=4 AC=8 B AB=5 BC=3 ∠A=30° C ∠A=60° ∠B=45° AB=4 D ∠C=90° AB=6 根据下列已知条件,能唯一画出上△ABC的是1 AB=3,BC=3,AC=72 AB=5,BC=∠A=30°3∠C=90°,AB=54∠A=65°,∠B=55°,AB=3 为什么C不能呀具体说下 用通常造句,快点.谢谢了,大神帮忙啊帮我,快点 孔子观于周庙译文给我们的启示恶有满而不覆者哉的感叹给我们的启示