
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:15:29
I like to play volleyball.一般疑问句 如果地球没有自转那么还有没有昼夜交替一定是要再一天内昼夜交替才算昼夜交替吗? 吾学若无成,誓不归矣(7字卡通人物常用语) there is a peaceful of nature in the air.nature's beauty touches every heart. The stars cannot be seen ______ in the sky in the daytime.A.shining B.shine C.shone be shoneA和B难以确定 分析下列句子成分1.He worte carefully some letters to his friends.2.All the students think highly of his teaching.3.We need a place twice larger than this one.4.He asked us to sing an English song.5.Don't get nervous,help yourself to what you you know someone in worid is waiting for me ,although i;le no idea of who he is .but i feel know someone in worid is waiting for me ,although i;le no idea of who he is .but i feel happy every day for this求解 求助一个对话…… A and B are friends.They share with each other their shopping experiences anddescribe their recent purchases. I know someone in the world is waiting for me,although I've no idea of who he is.But I fe 1、aunt zhao is my mum's best friend .they are t__ to each other and often share s__2、uncle liang has a square face ,but his wife has a round one .they are p__ and can wait without getting angry He is my close friend and always share w___ with me.怎么填worries 行不行呢?牛津英语书9A P57上有这样的表达keep worries to oneself,不知道是不是类似的表达. Student this_student = new Student();这个是什么意思 介词填空:This a school ___children ___8--12.希望知道的人快点回答! 新概念英语新版第二册我在上海读初一,英语不错,一般都考95以上.词汇量也不错.我适合从哪里学起(1-24课太简单了) What does he look like?A、He is a student.B、He likes apples.C、He has a big nose. Every student in Class 5 ----Mr B.likes likingt D.are liking 有的人中和鲁迅中的《自嘲》俯首甘为孺子牛相应的诗句 臧克家的籍贯是 our teachers said three years ____ really short .A is B was C are C were Our teacher said three years ____really short.( )[说理由] A is B was c are D were答对有奖赏 划线部分提问:Our classes are really interesting (really interesting划线) I know someone in the world is waiting for me,although I've no idea of who he is.翻译中文, show great concern for concern可以做名词吗 know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is.少了什么 (2/5)y newspaper.People show great concern over the problem As a member That's a nice kite(对画线部分提问) -------------那些线在a nice kite的下面 根据首字母填词,使句意完整.Jack h____ will come to my school this afternoon.Jack h____ will come to my school this afternoon. 据说孔子当年登上有“五岳独尊”美誉的泰山时就说过“登东山而小鲁,登泰山而小天下.”鲁是我国目前-----据说孔子当年登上有“五岳独尊”美誉的泰山时就说过“登东山而小鲁,登泰山而 My sister will ()(com) to the school this afternoon. 情愿作野草,等着地下的火烧 既与鲁迅先生的诗句什么什么相互对应? 情愿做野草,等着地下的火烧是不是鲁迅写的今天考试,有一题是这样的,很疑惑 鲁迅野草诗 选出划线部分读音不同的一项A north Breport C worse D short or画线Ahealthy B south C north D with th画线A east B stop C tomorrow D temperature t画线Asaid B wait C train D rainy ai 画线Aeast B weather C meat Cplease ea画线