
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:05:43
I don't like math because it is very b______. Math is very (d ) me,so I don't like it填什么? .There __ more rain than sunshine in the last three days.答案是什么,请加以解释. a were b. has been c. will be d. have been 一、根据答句写问句.1.A:( ) B:Because I like teaching .It's an interesting job.2.A:一、根据答句写问句.1.A:( )B:Because I like teaching .It's an interesting job.2.A:( )B:Yes ,I do.I help doctors look after the patients(病人)carefull i like science because it's interesting对划线部分提问:because it's interesting是划线部分 I like seeing this film because it's interesting.(对because it's interesting提问) any后面加单数复数any 任何 加名词单数 一些 用于否定疑问句中,作为代替some可是有时候怎么分别any的意思呢?e.g.I don't think you have ever seen any potatoes like this.Farmers don't use any kink of chemicals.怎么 any后面什么时候加单数什么时候加复数到底怎么区分?我一直以为any后面接复数的...怎么又有单数的说法?复制粘贴者...别来 any加单数还是复数都有?什么时候单?什么时候复? more的比较级和最高级 interesting的比较级和最高级.最高级是the more interesting吗? the+比较级还是最高级看到有The 比较级.The 比较级然后又看到THE+最高级怎么回事 英语翻译RT 谁能帮我定个英语四级复习计划?六月份就要考四级了,想在两个月内搞定.我英语基础还行,四级单词已经背了一半,我不求高分,只求及格多一点,谁能帮我制定个计划?最好是不用继续背单词的~ she is my sin nightwish 求类似这样震撼节奏感强的音乐我要音乐 给的歌曲太多了 要适合做出场音乐的 我该如何制定英语四级复习计划?马上就要考英语四级了,之前都没有好好复习,因为一直在上新东方的TOEFL班,可是我的英语基础实在不太好,现在只剩下一个月不到了,请问我应该怎么样进行复 请问谁知道nightwish 的the kinslayer she is my sin 这种类型的歌曲 推荐几首 还有德国装甲师战歌 这样的曲子也不错 推荐下 考研英语一篇阅读理解该做几分钟内? 考研英语真题阅读理解提前多长时间看好?提前两三年好不好 考研英语的阅读一篇大概要花多长时间完成比较合理? she_is_my_sin 的 nightwish 出处she_is_my_sin 的 nightwish 这首歌是出自哪一个电影或电视的吗?或者这首歌有MTV吗? This is an ID card还是This is a ID card this card is This memory card is protected 什么意思?我的松下出现了一点小问题!上面显示This memory card is protected 拍照也拍不了! 我想问一下有那位专家帮我一个忙!重谢! Tom___(have)close friends since he came to China.请用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,that's my problem. He has math every day(改为一般疑问句) I like chicken best(改为同义句)用my做主语改为同义句 I like chicken best(改为同义句) I like chemistry and math best的同义句 ps安装时显示this is not a valid serial number怎么办 新买的IPad,上官网查询序列号.得出结果We're sorry,but this is a serial number for a product.序列号为 DYTHWZ4BDVD2 产地 销售地 保修情况 The serial number you entered is not valid.Try again. is not a valid Adobe Photoshop 7.0 serial number.Please re-enter your serial number.不是有效的序列号,请重新输入不是有效的序列号,请重新输入序列号.序列号是是什么?要输入什么啊 giotto和diana这两个英文名怎么读?