
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 21:29:31
i found a sign which said为什么said 用过去时 谁有bridgit mendler的We Can Change the World的mp3 y13152241287@163.com 快 I found a sign which said.我找到一块牌子,上面写着:请问这里面的which有什么用?如果直译过来岂不是:我发现一块牌子哪一个上面写着.这样不通啊 How are you able to do that?怎么翻译? 1 kangkang is a student.(就划线部分进行提问) a student划线 We can't change the weather.But if we read the sign correctly we can 求全文你们带上地图旅行是很有用的It is useful for you take a map with you while_______你满嘴含着食物讲话是不礼貌的It is useful for you to talk ____ a mo why u refused to believe that?怎么翻译 .He's got 14 students.(对划线部分提问)(划线部分为14) The monkey is kind.(对划线部分提问....He's got 14 students.(对划线部分提问)(划线部分为14)The monkey is kind.(对划线部分提问)(划线部分为kin Ann is a student.(对划线部分提问)(划线部分:a student) ( )( )Ann( ) ():填词 殷勤仟怎么取英文名 农村的特色_________________________城市特色__________________通过这两者比较你得出怎样的结论_____________ The silkworms eat (a lot of leaves )every day.括号提问 Giraffes usually eat the leaves on top of trees 对划线部分提问 { }do giraffes usuelly eat?monkeys like climbing trees ang eating fruit 对划线部分提问 { } 【】monkeys 【】 【】?we like dolphins because they are cute 对划线部分 Bear eat meat and leaves.(就划线部分提问)划线句子:meat and leaves 以某部动画片为例来说明如何运用矛盾冲突来推动剧情发展? 乡村和城市统称为什么 He is a_____(好心的)man 请言简意赅的深刻说明印度与巴基斯坦的领土纠纷、民族矛盾、历史积怨等情况! He is a man!中间的两空里应该填什么? 七年级上历史与社会乡村聚落(第二课时)作业本答案 为什么农村的要往城市跑,城市的要往农村跑? some 15 days,perhaps 26 days,after fledging.the young falcons leave their parents,heading for the winter quarters.3856 全句翻译.想知道的语言点1—some的翻译 2—heading for the winter quarters的翻译 __you get up,the better.A Earlier B The early C The earlier D Early 工程制图中说,相互平行的两直线在同一投影面上的投影一定互相平行,但这个说法是不是不够严谨,不是还可以重合吗? 有谁知道这是什么动物的牙 我想知道这是什么动物的牙? do you know the Monkey King was_(bear) from a magic stone.填空 dreams may be more important than sleepDreams (梦 ) may be more important than sleep.We all need to dream," some sci-entists say.Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time.People have several dreams each night.Dreams are like short films. Qué hora tienes和 Qué hora tiene 有区别吗?西班牙语中问几点了,好像有好多种问法,这两种问法一个是问现在“你有什么”,一个是问现在“他有什么”,到底怎么回事啊?有什么区别吗?还有别的问法 西班牙语 qué cosa es que cuanto más grande menos se ve?语法怎...西班牙语qué cosa es que cuanto más grande menos se ve? "Dreams (梦 ) may be more important than sleep.We all need to dream," some scientists say. Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time. People have several dreams each night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in colour. Some d 4、蜘蛛有8条腿,蜻蜓有6条腿、2对翅膀,蝉有6条腿、1对翅膀.现有18只这三种昆虫,共有118条腿和20对翅膀.每种昆虫各有多少只?(请用二元一次方程/三元一次方程求解 我这种属于...分薄人微~