
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:16:42
宿新市徐公店的枝头花落未成阴的树是什么树 请问,木陀螺怎么玩? 这种陀螺怎么玩?急, 请问这个陀螺怎么玩最近得到了一个陀螺,可是不知道怎么玩,请问有人知道么? It looks like .We'd better take an umbrella A rain B rains C raining D rainy 求解我感觉是D,但答案写的A Can you help me with my Chinese?Could you tellCanyouhelpmewithmyChinese?Couldyoutellhimtocallmeback?Don'tarrivelateforclass.WemustbeontimeYoumustreadabookbeforeyouwantTV. 关于数学分析利用L'Hospital法则求极限的两个问题 一道高等函数题目(关于L'Hospital法则和极限)已知f(a)的有二阶导数,求lim(h趋向于0)(f(a+h)+f(a-h)-2f(a))/h^2答案是f''(a),用L'Hospital法则易证出,但lim(f(a+h)-f(a))/h=lim(f(a)-f(a-h))/h=f'(a)代入之,得到0 利用L‘Hospital法则求下列函数极限 求详解(1)lim(x+e^x)^(1/x) x趋近于0(2)lim(tanx)^2cosx x趋近于π/2 求极限(L'hospital)lim{/tanx},x->π/2可以不解,但要有提示.请问具体怎样代换? 什么像蝴蝶飞舞 我想找一首歌~是女的唱的~里面的歌词有蝴蝶飞舞~好像还有樱桃树的~感觉是个小女生唱的! 蝴蝶飞舞扩句 红叶像什么,像蝴蝶飞舞,还像什么 蝴蝶飞舞.(扩充句子) Could you tell me()the bike without any help this morning?A.how does his fix up B.How he fixes upC.how he fixed up D.how did he fix up选哪个?为么?他们有什么区别吗? 紧急情况啊!He speaks _____English .So we find it hard to understand him.这是题目.备选答案有:A. speaking B. spoken C.breaking D.broken 顺便做详细讲解啊!谢拉! i find it quite hard to understand this passage.reall?()there are few new words in it 填啥Abecause Bso Cthough Dbut俺老师说选a。但我觉得选though 为啥选a啊、、 王维的《田园乐》中,写“花落家童未扫”,非扫非不扫,原因是甚么 花落家童未扫,莺啼山客犹眠.请简要赏析诗中“山客”的形象 花落家童未扫,莺啼山客犹眠. “花落家童未扫,莺啼山客犹眠”写出了怎样一种意境 阅读下面一首词,《田园乐》 王维 桃红复含宿雨,柳绿更带朝烟.花落家童未扫,莺啼山客犹眠.这首诗在写了哪些景物?这些景物有什么主要特点有哪些?(从季节、视觉、嗅觉、状态等方面鉴赏 I'm sorry to kept you waiting long Never mind.I _ here for only a few minutes.A.have been B.have come C.have arrived D.waited We need_______ (take) an umbrella with us, it's going to rain. Don't forget ( )an umbrella ( )you.It's going to rain.A;with B to C of D on if u like someone is very hard to give up so soon什么意思啊这是 I wouid like to find someone to taik about their strange b(填单词)急 人教版初二下学期期末英语作文一般会考什么类型的作文 boy friend is like a four leaf clover hard to find and lucky to have》各位大哥大街英语好的帮帮译译 小升初英语期末考试会考到写英语作文吗?如果要考到,那么就请告诉我作文里要写多少句子,最容易考到的题目有哪些 急!2011广西会考英语作文假如你是李华 英国笔友mary 要求你介绍一下你的英语老师miss white 的情况,根据下面要求写:外貌高挑苗条漂亮 国籍美国 最喜欢的颜色红色 个人爱好读书旅游 品质乐