
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:05:11
write the reports是什么意思 circle and write the answers.Draw the pictures in the right places.1/l-p-a-r-a-b-b-i-t-b-n-m-e2/r-e-t-y-u-i-o-f-h--b-i-r-d3/a-h-o-r-d-o-g-w-n-g-j-s-f4/d-f-c-r-o-f-i-s-h-l-e-s-x5/m-o-n-k-e-y-t-u-o-s-e-w-u6/j-l-y-c-c-g-m-t-i-g-e-r-t以上的字母可 the manager hates seeing the reports __ in pencil(write) 这英语的英文意思是什么?How are you to me,I would like to you.求翻译: Please go to the library ( )the information about dinosaurs french fries的音标 我很幸福 和 我很高兴 都用i am happy嘛那我很幸福 和 我很高兴 怎么区别呢 因为他们不是一个意思 如果是一个意思的话你多幸福啊 有个这个好的妻子写成你多高兴啊 有个这么好的男朋友不 我是中国人能看懂中文么 英文怎么说 as you are watching the show,write down your answer.中 as 的意思 it's 800 kilometres from here to shanghai 对划线部分提问800 kilometres 划线部分 耶英文名姓名,庞真华.希望有一个英文名.最好和名字连有皆音.本人广东人 yeah 可以当英文名么?RT就是这个单词可以当作英文名么? 茄子耶的谐音英文名“茄子,耶!”的谐音英文名,需要可爱一点的,写了英文,顺便把每个英文单词的意思解释一下.以“Chas yeah"做参考 求一个张名山的英文名、今天急用的、麻烦各位啦、、 求发音像 "son yeah"的英文名已知一个sinya,不过有人用了 Let's_____here______a restA.stopped...for B.stopped..have C.stop...have D.stop..for BE后面加什么的?形容词?什么时候用DO,什么时候用BE动词 be加形容词加in是什么意思? Are these your pens?(不改变原句意思,开头2个单词不能改 2.Are these your pens (不改变原句意思,改写句子)Are these( )( ) Our pens are alike=my pen __ __yours Are these our pens和Is this our pen.用哪个?our应该用are还是is let him have a rest .he is () tired A kind of B many C kind D all kinds of He says he is not tired and ___ have a rest.needn't和doesn't need to是不是都可以? 1000字左右得水浒传读书笔记 一)--醉打蒋门神 武松杀死了西门庆,就被发送了孟州充军,又在十字坡结识了张青和孙....上面这个别发!要写人物怎么样得 语言简单点得 How does you brother go to school?-----He usually_____there. A.walk B.by bus C.walks to D.takes a bus Thiese shoes are little too big for me(改为同义句) The shoes are a little big改为同义句 There are same shoes there的同义句 “始乱终弃”那个“乱”该怎么解释啊 Write questions and answer using the wordsWrite questions and answer using the words in barckets, 月落乌啼霜满天,江风渔火对愁眠.