
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 17:17:18
I like ( ) with my friends when I am freeA.chatting B.chating C.chat D.to chat初二英语选择,在线急求,请给出准确答复和解释 What do you like doing when you are free I like _(去电影院) with my friends I have had dinner with mu friends in the resturant when the crime happened.A.have B.had C.was having D.have had选哪个?为什么? Hi ,friends ,I like you not because of who your are ,but because of who I am when I am with yHi ,friends ,I like you not because of who your are ,but because of who I am when I am with you 【初中英语单选题】The maths problem is __________.I can work it out _________.The maths problem is __________.I can work it out _________.A difficult hard B fun; funnyC easy; easily D interesting; interested答案选择C,请问A错在哪儿 on sale 是热卖的意思还是打折出售的意思呀? on far from away my home歌词要简洁,中文不要,主要要罗马拼音(很多单词我不会读) 歌曲《far from away home》MV的电影叫什么? do u think children should do some sports?why?answer in English 口语考试:why do you think some students indulge in playing computer games?求2分钟的答案 (你认为一些学生为什么会沉迷于电脑游戏)口语考试= =.要2分钟哦~太短不行(单词尽量不要太生僻) 法家韩非子的政治主张是什么 对社会的发展有何积极影响 发家代表韩非子的政治主张对社会的发展有何积极影响? 韩非子的政治思想对社会发展的影响 法家韩非子主张加强________ 厉行_____ 奖励______ 他主张遵循_____行事 .法家的理论对中国______________ I got up late this morning and went to school in a h—首字母填空 She often ( ) to school eariy,but this morning she ( ) to school late.A.go,went B.goes,goes 原因 首尾字母互相调换,并译成中文如:god(上帝)dog(狗) 我家浅咖啡色龙猫DD配什么颜色龙猫MM最好~ 求教:粉白色龙猫MM配杏色的龙猫DD,能出什么颜色的龙猫BB? 龙猫DD和龙猫MM能够长期合笼吗? 美国有多少个州?五十六?有的说五十.(默认)有的说五十二.更有甚者说是五十六.多出来的州是怎么多出来的?希望知道的大大解读一下! fantastic baby 中文意思是什么 以w、h、l为开头字母英文词汇推荐我想找三个英文单词,分别是用H、L、W为开头字母.意思最好是积极向上的,乐观的,有拼搏等类似含义词语 Ann often goes home to help her mother ___ the housework.这里是不是A with B do C to do 都可以呢?请指教 you can`t do it . you can sue to Ann for helpa ask b thinkc find d give If you were the leader of a country ,describe some details about your country(50+words) If you were an average Afghan farmer,what would you say in defense of your country's a写200字左右的英语文章If you were an average Afghan farmer,what would you say in defense of your country's addiction to opium and your cultivation of poppie provided you were a leader of a company,and your employees had low motivation at work in the econom只要你是某公司的领导者,和你的员工已经在经济衰退的工作动机低,请展示一些其他的方法(除了在文章中阐述的 have another look at it 后面的look 是名词么?前面的another是形容词么? take another look和take second sight的区别? look here,s another one it,s ( )and nicer .I think we can take it .a.longer b.dearer c.cheaper选几 英语的