
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 11:28:17
what can I do for you?翻译.. Can not give you the best will help you want 什么Can not give you thebest will help you want 英语翻译翻译为中文 Millions of Guangzhou citizens ,who are just behind tens of thousands of volunteers 希望给我一个太阳号!希望又不用的能给我! 怎样让内心变得阳光点? 名字叫刘洋的帮我取个英文名.刘洋女帮我弄个比较像我名字的 不要给个表让我去选最好还要香港音译的. 我叫刘洋大家帮忙起个有霸气点的英文名本人身高1.70 66公斤 年龄19 When you are tired,you should listen to music中为什么要用tired不用try拜托各位了 3Q 在联欢晚会上,要设计三种灯光效果,第一种是舞台上的灯亮暗逐渐变化,第二种是舞台上红黄绿三种彩灯跳跃式的变化,第三种是红灯逐渐变亮时,绿灯逐渐变暗,绿灯逐渐变亮时,红灯逐渐变暗. 这是什么灯?灯光会逐渐变暗变亮图 电子商务在生活中的应用前景 每个人心中都有一道阳光,我心中的那到阳光便是友情. 作文 我心中的阳光.写友谊,只要中间部分 what do party the can for you(?)(连词成句)怎么做 友情像阳光,还像什么 (两个)友情像( ),( )友情像( ),( )小括号填像什么 大括号填怎么样 Don't look back是什么意思? 我叫刘洋,想起个英文名字,呵呵, This time tomorrow you _there doing some more exercises.(a)will sit (b)will be sitting将来时和将来进行,我老师说没什么区别! 用两点之间,线段最短这个公理解释生活中的现象 endless love是什么 当把“两点之间,线段最短”应用于生活中时,应该注意什么? “Endless love”这句话是什么意思 some physics problems ___ the book are not difficult.A in B of 原因 He wait for you three hours ago.Who find it justHe wait for you three hours ago.Who find it just now?该怎么改 He is waiting for you three hours ago.改错,仅限一词. 戒指上的英文:ENDLESS LOVE We buy some presents for him同义句转换 Let----[our]buy some fiowers some of us think persistenting makes us strong,but sometimes it is letting go!”这句话的中文翻译是什么 I wish you love me as long as l love you! 1.There is ------- food in the fridge ,I should buy some this afternoon.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few2.I have only -------- friends here.they are all from China.A.a few B.few C.many D.little