
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:39:20
我要收集面对这一反驳时该怎样回答?科学发展的利与敝.我是辩论利大1、环境污染.这个是最直接的也是最显眼的坏处.2:物种灭绝加快.这是由环境污染和人类的捕杀所造成的.也属于科技发展 的作文60——80字 为什么时间一去不回头? bat中IF NOT "%Choice%"=="" SET Choice=%Choice:0,1% 我今年大三,不打算考研了,想考公务员,但是想先利用上半年的时间考一个证,正在犹豫是考商务英语翻译,还是涉外秘书,请大家给点意见 Ididn't get up until 11.30 this morning. 改正下列各句中动词不定式的用法错误1,i would rather to stay at home this afternoon.2,a policeman is telling the boy not cross the street . 辩论赛中,如果别人提出一个我不会回答的问题,我该怎么办?我第一次参加辩论赛有点紧张,求大神帮个忙 If I am not happy, I would rather die 这句中文是什么意思 If I can not live with dignity, I would rather die.怎么翻译啊 i don't know this was something i could do until i got my record deal.是什么从句 问一个关于时态和非谓语的问题!高手请进!The manager____(make) it clear to us that he didn't agree with us,left the meeting room.想问一下,横线上应该填什么?可以填hading make吗?好像没用这样用吧?不过,make的动 非谓语的时态及其语态一般现在时:am/is/are done 一般过去时:was/were done 一般将来时:shall/will be done 一般过去将来时:should/would be done 现在进行时:is/am/are being done 过去进行时:was/were being don 与that if有关的一道选择题I'm afraid ____ you've lost the knife,you must pay for itA that if B that 想考翻译证,如何提高词汇量? i don't suppose anything happens__he doesn't foresee.A.that B.whi为什么不是 which呢 that made the god punished me so much谢谢帮我译下 三国演义第一百回是什么意思 control是什么意思 谁能告诉我控制愤怒翻译成英语应该是control anger还是anger control啊? 冰上姐妹 GIRLS ON THE ICE怎么样 Experience changes 和make changes有什么区别?见例题:Our country has ___great changes over the last 30 years.辨析一下这两个词组 get the best response 和 get half the response上下文如下:“Any jobs I get in the midlands or in Kildare and Meath get the best response.I’d have a similar job in Dublin and I wouldn’t get half the response,even if it pays more,” 英语翻译The gentle morning rays of lightfall upon the sheets where we slept last nightAnd the story that they're tellingIs one of foolishness and passionWhen they're there aloneTill they're just memoriesLoving youUncertainty aboundsConfusion all get out there on the Innovation和Creative的区别? you are skating on the ice 在某方面的创新,用innovation in 还是用innovation on最好有例句. 创新 Innovation 品质Quality 高效Efficiency 团队Teamwork 怎样摆放好看 sells newspapers与newspapers sells的区别 skate on the ice 除了字面意思“滑冰”之外,作为习语还有别的含义吗? The students can skate on the ice 根据skate on the ice 提问