
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 00:02:07
对划线部分提问 Mr Green will move to Shanghai in a year -----------in a year 为划线部分 He will move to Beijing in three weeks.__ ___ ___ he move to Beijing? Mr.Green will move to Shaanghai in three days.(对in three days提问)Mr.Green will move to Shanghai in three days.(对in three days提问)_____ _____will Mr.Green move to Shanghai? 一种在室内用水栽培的植物,种在很高的很细的透明玻璃瓶子里,瓶子装上水,把植物插到瓶子里植物是一根一根的,像是一根一根的芦苇,叶子扁长,茎很直,一般是30到50厘米一根.这个植物叫什么 鱼怎么交配!我奶奶问的! 请问英文名字,sheren同shelly, 我的英文名叫shelly,请大家给我个英文名的姓我是双子座标出读法(拼音,音标都要) shelly是英文名字中的什么意思 Would you please find me such a teacher as him?求翻译 以及find在本句中的用法 "find"怎么翻译? 第二次鸦片战争给中国带来的最严重的影响是火烧圆明园还是丧失更多领土? 今年9月上高中,让写一个自我介绍,100-200字,帮我想想怎么写?多谢! such men as he is rare now 这个句子成分如何划分.as在里面是什么作用? (li jun and zhang ming) like playing football in our group.提问 He isn't the man ____he used to be 鸟类是怎么交配的?母鸡怎么受精?鸡的性器官是什么? 如何将蚂蚁放在瓶子里? 鸟类如何受精? 鸟类是如何交配的? 把蚂蚁等小动物装进手指大小的钢瓶子中能不能把它们摔死?我们知道蚂蚁等小动物摔不死的.把它们装进手指大小的钢瓶子中,用力往结实的水泥地面上摔呢?情况又如何? 鸟类是怎么受精的?鸟类是怎么交配和受精的? 蚂蚁爬到瓶子里怎么办? it is always raining in suzhou when are we going ( ) beijingleftleaveleave forto leave for选择 At last,they found the -------child hidden highly in the tree.用 lost还是mislost or missing they became too confident and __(无拘无束的)at last they lost to us.问题写在标题上 They got ____(lose) in shanghai last week 答案是lost Have you got a colour pen,Lucy?为什么不能回答:Sorry,I haven't got.Please ask Lily.She has got one. They certainly would .Would you leave them with me?怎么翻译? 生孩子一定要性交吗?(除了人工受精)感觉睡在一起就能生孩子 蚂蚁怎么喂养 蚂蚁到底怎么养? 求关于“爱国”、“谦虚”、“青春”、“求知”、“诚实”这5个话题的名人事例!每个话题至少2个事例,而且最好是建国以后的名人事例!