
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:08:22
《钢铁是怎样炼成的》读后感600字以上,急用! 钢铁是怎样炼成的读后感1000到1500字要真实一点,不用太华丽 初中英语阅读理解1:如何做猜词语意思的词.2:如何做主旨题,即准确的掌握主旨 3:选项中如果排除不了怎么办 4:如何提高阅读题分数 求30篇初中英语阅读理解······ 阅读理解 Music is an international language.Popular music in America is what every student likes.Students carry small radios with earphone and listen to music before class,after class,and at lunch.Students with cars buy large speakers and play mu Hi!My name’s Wang Mang.I’m fifteen years old,and I’m a Grade 3 student in Shangjing in the year 2053!I expect you find that pretty hard to believe.Let me explain.This book is a journal I wrote last month for a very special competition.I won the 关于初中英语阅读理解.谁有初中英语阅读理解,比较难的. 我现在初三,上半学期时阅读不错,但自从下半学期以来,阅读理解总是要错3 4 个,拿不了高分,本人的单词、语法很好,我已经练习阅读很久了,但依然是老样子, 有关初中英语阅读理解的技巧1.我英语阅读的全文都读懂了,但是感觉所有选项都像是在文中出现过,都像正确答案,我该怎么办?2.阅读中碰到了关键词跳不过去也猜不出来该怎么办?3.阅读中有 我想问一下初中英语的完形填空和阅读理解怎么做?有什么技巧之类的吗?我的单词基本都有背,可能做的量不太多,而且做题的方法可能也不太对,我想问一下有什么方法可以提高做题的准确率. 初中英语阅读理解试题(含答案和解释) 阅读题, 初中英语,急用! 初中英语阅读一.阅读理解(10分)In the US Summer vacation starts in early June and endsaround late August.Teachers will give summer homework.There are many classesandcamps for middle school students.They can beabout sports,cooking,bo 初中英语题1.Chinese can stop SARS from spreading ,and we can stop AH1N1___A. either B.as well as C. as well D. also2. I do not know if there ___ a sports meeting next month . If they ___it ,Imust get ready for it.A. is; They selected Tom,____ they liked ,as captain .为什么要用whom 初中英语自我介绍大约100词 求,.初中英语演讲稿 100词..初二英语 ,演讲稿 不限内容 ..100词 thanks ! 求任意五篇初中英语作文,不少于100词 初中英语 初中英语数词知识点周一我们讲课,请给我几个补充的数词方面的知识点,常见的就不用了,考点也可以,不要超范围,多一个点1分 上不封顶~ 初中英语首字母填空Les Brown,a famous speaker,tells a story of one of his friends,a salesman.His friend was t___ with money because sales dropped by 60%.Les asked him,"How many phone c___ are you making a day?" His friend answered,"Twenty-f 初中英语自我介绍60 .急 带翻译 英语翻译根据汉语提示写一组对话,要求不少于8句.提示:星期六下午,Bob到Alice家玩.两人就铅笔盒的直尺的英文名称、拼写及颜色进行了一段对话. 英语翻译 英语翻译1.去年,玛丽作为交换生来到广州学习2.她住在一个广州家庭里并很快适应了广州的生活3.为了了解当地的文化和习俗,她参加了粤语学习班和游览了广州的名胜古迹.4.此外,她还交了许 英语翻译1:他很好相处2:这项工作进展得很顺利3:这位老人不感到累4:会议期间他们提供了饮料5:小偷用刀子扎伤了他的手臂6:有两个人在事故中受伤了 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译This is picture of Jim's rom.The walls are white and the window is big.You can see a photo of his family on the wall.The desk is near the window.You can see some plants and five flowers on it.A clock is on it,too.It is seven now.A soccer 英语翻译A country maid was walking along with a can of milk upon her head ,when she fell into the foll owing train of reflections,"The money for which I shall sell this milk will enable me to and what may be destroyed by vermin,will produce at le