
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:17:42
本应该做过某事用英语怎么说 我现在应该做什么英语怎么说 why___your uncle___(come)to shanghai two weeks ago?he___(come) here for a visit.tomorrow morninghe ____(leave) for beijing.2.look!it___(not rain)outside.let's ____(go)out for a walki'd love to.but i want to___(do)my homework first.3.someone___(use)th He will come here___tomorrow morning.A.at fifth B.at ten C.on two D.till tenth -my father will come here tomorrow.-I thought that he()today.had come,was coming为什么要选 was coming,而不选had come Will you come here tomorrow?(作肯定回答) 什么花冷艳,坚强,勇敢因为要按照花的样子纹在左肩膀上所以请指教下咯 日本海棠叶子为什么会卷起来?前一段时间新长的叶子生了很多小虫子,把我抓走了,还有很多蜘蛛网挂在枝干之间,为什么? 用所给词的适当形式填空,求学霸0u0!Jane ___(not know) the young woman.求解 用所给词的适当形式填空 学霸加油!秒答秒采纳!急! Sorry I'm late.I _____have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.A might B should C can D will选择A 但是为什么选呢 请会的给我讲一下 ---Why do you ask me to throw the bread away ---Oh,because it has gone______A,bad B,badly 我又做了我常做的一个梦用英语怎么说? You for allowing me to roll,I rolled.You for allowing me to come back,I am sorry,roll away the\当初没怎么学好 能看懂一些! 任何一个梦都值得被尊重的英语怎么说 i am so sorry come back to me i am so sorry 歌词刚刚看了一部电视.歌词貌似是这样的.是什么歌啊? 昨天晚上做了一个梦.梦见自己被蟒蛇吞了,我拼命挣扎从蟒蛇口中爬出,转眼一看一个冷冷冰冰的蛇头对这我,但我没什么动作,只是看这这条蛇.这个梦该怎么解释. 用英语怎么说 :总有那么一个梦让人难忘 小红的钱比小花多15元,如果吧小红的8分之3给小花,两人钱一样多,原来个有多少元小红的钱比小花多15元,如果把小红的8分之3给小花,两人钱一样多,两人原来各有多少元 小明和小红在新华书店买了同样的书后,小明还剩下他所带钱的5分之4,小红还剩下他所带钱的7分之5,问谁带得 小明要将一份1.5GB的文件下载到自己的电脑中.他查了一下D盘和E盘的属性,发现以下信息D盘总容量为9.75GB,已用空间占五分之四;E盘已用空间11.52GB,未用空间占10%.他将文件保存到哪个盘里比较 选词填空英语 填空、选择、句型转换,各种英语题,求学霸解答~用所给词或短语的适当形式填空.south,add to,fall asleep,tour,see to,luckThe guide told the --- to take the things they needed with them.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子 Where is TOm?He _to England.He will be back in a mouth.(A.goes B.has gone C.has been D is going) 英语填空与选择 球大神!求学霸!谢谢! M:Where is Tom?J:He------Hangzhou.A.went to B.goes to C.has gone to D.has been to不仅要答案,还要原因! Tom is away on holiday Oh is he?where A has he gone B is he going C will he go选那一个 快 急 where is Tom?He__the library.a.goes b.went c.has gone to d.has been to ——where's Tom now? ——He____ the post office. A.has been to B.has gone to C.went to D.goes to请说明理由!!说明一下什么时候用 went to。。。 九点钟方向用英语怎么说 让我们上午九点钟见吧(用英语怎么说) 他九点钟打篮球吗 用英语怎么说