
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:26:27
machine翻译 有一个知名品牌,牌子有橙色和白色,两个英文单词组成,都是f开头,忘记是什么品牌了? spend作动词是什么意思 商务英语口语的实用性 spend后面怎样接动词? 英语找错[I was watching TV while the light went out While i was watching TV,the light went off的同义句 英文R打头的是什么牌子 英语虚拟语气中与过去、现在或者将来事实相反时,分别用什么时态? 找一首男的唱的英文歌.有类似come in come in..i know u wanna come closer的歌词歌词可能是这样的.hey u don't know which name is..look at my love..somebody mather know u get really u a good 理工科英语翻译中,经常会遇到process这个词.这个词有工艺、过程的意思.那么,具体在哪些情况下翻译成工艺,哪些情况下翻译成过程? 谁和我翻译一下 英语.我要加工龙虾 怎么说.加工 是不是 process 一个c开头的衣服牌子忘记了? 以c开头的衣物英文,以s开头的衣物英文.五年级寒假生活英语第三十页第四题. hey,boys and girls,look at him,how is he? Come to clarks clothes store and h() a look 括号里填什么 Many people come to her store to 什么 clothes it,where,live,does 连问句 you,like,do,computer 连问句 拿破仑对普鲁士的政策与对英国的政策有什么不同? 拿破仑1.他采取了怎样的内外政策? 2.你认为导致他失败的原因是什么?1.他采取了怎样的内外政策?2.你认为导致他失败的原因是什么?拜托大家啊 拿破仑打过英国吗? apart from 和 except的区别 How hard is it to learn Chinese?I lived in Lijiang,and I wonder how hard it is for me to learn Chinese,and If I want to learn Chinese in a professioanl Mandarin School,can u give me some advice?At the end I want to say I don't need translate,so just how to learn chinese in GuangZhou3Q 名词转换agree____ collect____prevent____develop____kind____sad____educate_____improve_____move_____ Maybe I'm just a passer-by in your life,and I will be off in silently.请问是不是对的 please answer my questions -----------.(act)怎么填,为什么 ( )4.Jim,please answer my questions ____ this.A.with C.down 什么小语种比较好学 who can answer my questions please!This summer I went on a trip in China.I _1____ to Beijing with my friends.I ___2____ the Great Wall and it was really long and great.I _3__ along the wall and I was very ___4___in the end,but I was very excited.I to 哪种小语种比较好学?想学一种小语种 不知道学那个比较好学 英语我是我没戏了 哪种好学一点阿? 有一曲,开头是one.two.shree.four.该特额买锐(是句英语,汉语大概啊),是什么歌呢?不是小猪的,也不是creepin‘up on you 挺嗨的一曲,求助啊!