
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:46:10
Justice has ___;the guilty man has been punished. A.presided. B. preferred C.prevailed D.dominated . 查了单词之后觉得四个选项翻译起来都怪怪的.求大神给正确答案 释义和这句话的翻译. The meeting has been called off. has后为什么加been. 谢谢 如何复习初三英语 subject的意思 愿好运伴你我同行 英文翻译 academic是什么意思 academic 英语academic什么意思 academic position是什么意思 如何进行初三英语复习 英语翻译快乐时光__来自于我们珍惜...按照我滴格式好不?... eazy的副词是什么 having EAZY time in yourself 啥意思呀 academic tutorship academic grade是什么意思?是学术级别吗?这个在国内是不是没有的对应的选项为first class honourssecond class upper honourssecond class lower honours and below等分别对应哪些学历啊 A man is milking the cows.的中文意思 一般疑问句 Do+主语+动词原形+其他 一般现在时 东亚足球协会的英文简称是什么? 为什么巴塞罗那足球队简称巴萨?应该叫 巴塞 I am going to give my teacher a present on Teachers's Day 改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 My English teacher is going to give us a talk.(改为反义疑问句)My English teacher is going to give us a talk,____ ____? look the man at the gate___be our headmaster .he is always standing there every morningno,it ____be him .he is holding a meeting in the office now A.must can't B must mustn't C can't can't Dcan't musn't The man at the gate _____be our headmaster.he is always stending there every day.A must B might C belong to D can't There is no man with nothing 何予希 路桥区2009年第一学期期末试卷 手比头高 改错题 i'am going to see him on ten o'clock. 怎么学精生物,若是做题请推荐题书,想提高生物成绩,来点实际点的,复习中. He has math at ten o′clock改为一般疑问句 主语是数词所修饰的名词是谓语动词用单数还是负数? 帮个忙啊!so eazy的!只要第四题,写修改意见就好了 1.已知2的a次方=3,2的b次方=6,2的c次方=12,找出a,b,c的等量关系2.比较17的14次方与31的11次方的大小. 高一几何……so eazy已知:如图,α‖β,异面直线AB、CD和平面α、β分别交于A、B、C、D四点,E、F、G、H分别是AB、BC、CD、DA的中点,求证:(1)E、F、G、H共面;(2)面EFGH‖平面α.