
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:09:30
找一些英文词语,中文意思好听的RT 如BOW,有蝴蝶结的意思 不要复制一大堆给我 麻烦找下Anglo-saxons的英文名词解释,越全越好,我要的是英文! anglo saxons(盎格鲁-撒克逊人) 时期,哪个领导人做得出色? 不久用英语怎么说 i'd like a cd walkman a cd walkman 提问 我不能待太久.用英语怎么说? 虚拟机安装RedHat linux 5时 等输入密码 报错unable to read package metadata.this may be due to a missunable to read package metadata.this may be due to a missingrepodata directory.please ensure that your install tree hasbeen correctly gene World Editor was unable to detesc in your CD-ROM drive. 是什么意思? RedHat linux 5时 等输入密码 报错unable to read package metadata.this may be due to a miss wrap是什么意思啊?如何背? 你的课本在沙发上吗?不,它们不在.)your books )the(?) 2014 Loading中文什么意思 Thanks fou your books.(改为同义句) _____ _____ for your books. 高中里所有提到的酶的名及其作用! Be yourself ,and be the person you help to be这句话错拉吗拜托各位了 3Q 我喜欢香蕉I like bananas.我喜欢足球为什么是I like soccer而不是soccers i like soccer and tennis.为什么soccer和tennis用的是单数单数可数名词通常情况下不是不能单独使用吗比如:i like oranges..这里的orange就必须要用复数形式. Be at home and help ______ to the fish.a.me b.him c.yourself d.you Lingo中@wrap什么意思 他的过去式是什么?盛装的英语翻译?依靠,依赖的英语翻译?交上的英语翻译?在某种程度上的英语翻译?both.and ...的反义词是什么? my father wants the small apple 选择疑问句 “油光可鉴”这一词语的短语类型:是属于主谓短语:油光+可鉴还是后补短语:油光亮的可以照镜子 商务英语高手们帮帮忙~举个例先:跨国公司transnational corporation,后面该不该加s呢,为什么.还有类似的company之类的.顺便帮忙翻译下几个terms嘛专业化,有价证券,关税同盟,差别待遇,上市公司,市 请问英语高手,这三种公司的区别!international, transnational, multinational,(firm) 英语翻译请问 Your picture makes life good 这个句子应该怎么翻译和理解?请大家帮我用人脑翻译,机器翻译的是“您的图片,良好的生活.”这个意思应该不太正确~ How can i keep slim?i am a little fat now, but years ago, i was not fat as i am now, which makes me worried, i think it's not easy to keep slim, so i have adked such a question, my dear friends, could you help solve my troublesome problem? i am waiti she only eats fruit ______( keep) slimhis favourite food _______ (be) rice and noodles.fish and chicken _______(be)her favourite food. the music and dance starts first at the new year's party.为何用starts第三人称单数? give wrap ball doll kite storybook towel sticker present这些单词的意思是什么? well intervention FAX:2966629英译汉 英译汉.no机器谢谢请不要用机器翻译谢谢.我也有金山大叔.fine! then i will leave! and you can have a happy life with your goddamn farmer and whatever! because your being really unfair now! in fact you have been unfair to me all th