
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:07:51
为什么键盘上B H U I 这几个字母打出来的不是原本字母本身 而出现的依次是 " cn v.j,y;o g/km“ 作文“其实你不懂我的心”开头怎么些?求学霸帮忙 我想问一下神舟的笔记本键盘里面有些字母键是有数字键的字母,例如U和I现在都打不出,只能按出4和5 , Can I take a message?Can you give a message?中文分别是什么 the girls are playing over there.(就划线部分提问) _____are the girls____over there?为什么? Can I take a message for him Can I take a message for him?我能给他捎个口信吗?看到一个英语资料上的例句,我记得 take a message for sb 是为某人捎口信take a message to sb 是给某人捎口信那这个例句,应该翻译是 你能回到我心里吗的英文翻译 请对下列句子的划线部分提问:The pandas are (climbing trees) .The baby elephant are (over there).I do morning exercises( 8:30).It's( August 10th )today.Miss White 's birthday is (in July).There are (four )birthdays in May.She is (doing t Can l take a message___him?A.at B.or C.for They are playing soccer over there.对划线部分提问over there his name is jack.翻译成中文是什么? His first name is jack.对jack进行提问 感恩节后面是什么节日 关于非限制定语从句 Her sister id a teacher,__she wanted to be.可以填what吗?what可以引导非限制性定语从句吗? 有关于非限制定语从句的We should have various healthy diets,which generally INCLUDE proper amout of fish.为什么大写部分的include是原型而不是includes,它的主语不是前一个主句吗?句子难道不是看成单数? can i take a message for you 还有为什么用take for 感恩节和圣诞节的关系 My mon is from london England写出同义词 My mon —— ——london England,中间连个空 My mom is from China改为同义词 有机固体废物的种类有哪些?如题,求分类 固废包括哪些物品? 如题:广东现在实行了12年制义务教育了吗?我汕头的!还要几年?什么时候实行? 现在是不是实行十二年义务教育 现在是不是实行12年义务教育啊 请问2011年农历十月二十八天干地支是什么字? That is the cook ______ came from London.A.that B.which C./ D.who这个题目选什么?为什么?A和D有什么区别吗?不会是两个都可以选吗? He is from London.对from london 进行提问 (此处填一个词)from? 母爱的作文,不要生病 送伞 父爱母爱作文,不要老是下雨送伞、生病问候等.要六百字以上.╭(╯3╰)╮ 英语定语从句选择题Albert Einstein,____ life had once been very hard ,was given theNobel Prize for physics in 1921.A.of whomB.forwhomC.forwhoseD.in whom 定语从句Here is one of the most interesting novels that ( ) been published since the war.A.have B.has选哪个,为什么. 定语从句的英语选择题1)Was it in this palace -----the last emperor died?A that B in which C what D he 2)was it during the Second World War----he died?Athat B while C in which D then两题的区别及具体解析