
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:07:54
由H,N,O三种元素组成的离子化合物X.在210℃时可以分解成N元素的一种气态氧化物Y与水.已知40gX完全分解可生成11.2L(标准状况)Y,则Y的化学式是什么? 油性皮肤用含碱性好还是酸性好 油性皮肤属于酸性还是碱性的 一个图形按2比1的比例画是扩大还是缩小 如何辨别盐的酸碱性 根据短文内容填空 已知A、B、C、D、E、F为常见物质,其中A、B含有相同的元素,B、E为氧化物,C、D、F都为单质.(1)X在反应①中起 作用.(2)写出有关物质的化学式:A 、C .(3)若F不溶于稀硫酸,写出反应③ 请根据短文内容,填空!谢谢.英语 根据短文内容,完成填空.英语1You can see_____students in this photo.Kate is_____an Amerian girl.She's in Row___.The twins.Lily and lucy,are from____.LiPing is in____in the phpto.2Where are you?I'm in the bedroom.Come in,please.What____you 英语题,根据短文内容填空,谢谢 英语~根据首字母及短文内容填空~Once a great boxer,Tick Black,went to a restaurant f___ dinner.He took off his coat and l___ it ai the door,buthe was a___ that someone would take it a___.So he took a piece of p___and wrote on it,"the grea 一道判断题:把一个图形按四比一放大后,得到的图形是原来图形面积的四倍() 什么地方都有百分数 都表示的是什么意义 化学中的宏观和微观的区别是什么? 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空 V.看内容,短文填空,【don't 】【and】【boy】【have】【sports】【ball】【some】【but】【in】【they】tommy and sally are my good friends.____ are brother and sister.they are ____ the same class.in their class,some of the ____ l 把一个正方形按3:1的比例放大后周长和面积都扩大到原来的3倍.(判断并分析)谢谢! 放大镜是放大图形的面积还是周长 现有氧化铁.稀硫酸.氢氧化钠溶液.氯化钡溶液和碳酸钾溶液五种物质,在常温下它们两两相互发生的化学反应有 现有氯化钡、碳酸钠、硫酸三种物质的溶液,若将三种溶液混合,可能发生的化学反应是(1)____________现有氯化钡、碳酸钠、硫酸三种物质的溶液,若将三种溶液混合,可能发生的化学反应是(1)__ 硫酸银溶液与氯化钡化学方程式 根据短文内容和首字母填空If you don't us your arms or your legs for some time,the will become 1.w___.when you start using them again,they 2.s____ become strong again.Everybody know that.Yet many people don't seem to know that menory 3.w___ 根据短文内容及首字母提示填空填空“mr wang likes kalking photos,so he always goes to many different places.and he likes t___very much.he has lots of special and interesting e____.last summer,mr wang took a t___to xian.on the last sund 怎么判断化合物显酸性还是显碱性, 根据短文内容及首字母提示填空,完成短文.It is Saturday.It's n o'clock in the m .Liu Ming is c the windows._____ _____ _____ Liu Fang is h her mother with cooking.They are m cakes.What is Liu Ming's _____ _____f doing?he's r a newspape 根据首字母或短文内容填空As you know ,people borrowed some English words f_______ French .When we talk about meat on the t_____ ,we use French words .But when we talk about a________ ,we use English words .For e_________ ,a pig is c_______ 寻找恰当的比喻雪的句子 描写雪的诗句急要用 往某溶液中加入氯化钡溶液和稀硝酸后产生白色沉淀,则对原溶液的判断正确的是 ()1.一定有硫酸根离子 2.含有银离子和硫酸根离子中的一种或两种 成语猜迷:冲牛奶冲牛奶 ; (猜词语 )快 加入稀硝酸酸化的氯化钡溶液,出现白色沉淀,则溶液中一定有硫酸根吗 水加奶是什么成语