
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 16:05:18
已知向量a,向量b是两个不平行的向量,分别求满足下列各条件的实数m,n的值3向量a+4向量b=(m-1)向量a+(20-n)向量b 实数零 与任意向量平行吗?能告诉为什么吗 play football with why not play football with me?的同义句 play football with 刘彻的母亲是谁? 汉武是谁? 汉武帝是谁 如果m0,则m-n[ }0.{填大于,小于或等于] 教师节作文题目 谁能帮我想个教师节作文题目啊?不要太老套,要有新意一点. 关于教师节作文题目 英语的宾语从句 西游记中的精彩句段要从《西游记》中摘抄下来,拜托多一点,1000字上下! 西游记中有那些句子是描写动作精彩的句子 汉武帝是谁的儿子? 刘彻是谁的儿子? 汉武帝的儿子?我看了,汉武帝死后,是弗陵即位,但我听说也是刘据的儿子当了皇上,那几个托孤臣怎么敢改变皇帝的注意呢? 汉武帝的儿子叫什么 英语翻译1.陶侃惜阴的原因是具体表现是(用原文回答) 已知m大于0,n小于0,求│m-n+1│-│m-n-1│的值 已知m大于0,n小于0,求|m-n+1|-|n-m-1|的值 做家教一般怎么做和怎么收费呀? 以“激情瞬间”为题的作文关于运动会的一幕 I'm sure our team will d____ theirs this time空中填什么 this is our time是什么意思 We were surprised this year,_____for the first time in years our school team won the first prize.这是个填空题.空中的答案是“which”,有人能告诉我为什么填“which”吗?which 在从句中做的是什么成分呢? This time,we______(ture)won the football team. To our great ____ ,our team won the football match.A,surprising B,surprised C,surprise D.surprises But one thing that cannot be .But one thing that cannot be ignored is a crisis of consumer trust that has contributed to the current lacklustre performance,at least to a significant extent.翻译成中文! I saw that one thing is more beautiful than the other things.这句话有错误吗?如果有错误请修改并翻译. Till the end of the time,I'll be wait right here for you,This is a promise!Till the end of the time,I'll be wait right here for you,This is a promise!