
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 09:22:11
像数数 画画 盖盖类有哪些 前一个数是动词 后一个数是名词 就像这样的词 prove的用法详解是什么?有被动语态吗? write在被动语态中如何用法The letter______French.I can't read it.中,write不应该用主动语态表被动意义么?为什么应该选was written in而不是wrote in呢 在各种时态下被动语态的用法和格式有哪些? 形容女生好的词语 she is one of the students ___to the ballwhich have been invited that have been invited who had been invited who would be invited 行知天下数学第五期答案 高一英语句型转换题1.He is an outstanding mathematician and undisputed genius.He is ______ _____ an outstanding mathemtician ___ ____ an ____ genius.2.It is really a little bit difficult to work out the problem.The problem is really a little 求几道高一英语句型转换题解答1.Unfortunately,our water is running out.Unfortunately,our water is_____ ___ ____ _____.2.The bus was held up by the snowstorm,which caused the delay.The bus was held up by the snowstorm,______the delay.3.Whw 语文运用题: 以“爱心”陈述对象,仿照下面的句式续写比喻句,使之构成一组比喻 煽情的英文歌不要强烈节奏感的,最好是钢琴或者吉他独奏的,安静的.煽情动人的. 英文名可以这样取么?Tony.Paris.LeoJack.Henry.William类似如此,把那种常见的名字放满三个Name的位子.那后面两个不放中文名拼音的话,能放哪些呀? 初中英语改写被动语态4句1.People speak English all over the world2.My parents don't like pop music3.Mike didn't break Mr Brown's window4.Did Peter give a concert at Shanghai Stadium yesterday? 初中英语的改被动语态we heard her sing a foreign song last night改被动语态能不能改成"a foreign song we heard was sung by her last night"? 同义句改写1.Life today is very different from what it was ten years ago.Life today ______ from _______ it ______ _________ be ten years ago.2.My friend Bob is fond of football as well as tennis.__________ _________ tennis,my friend Bob enjoys __ 同义句改写1.All the people were not folled by this kind of trick._______ _______ the people _______ _______ this kind of trick.英汉互译2.中国是从1996年开始在全国进行公益广告运动的.It was in 1996 _______ China began a _____ 给我几个英语比较级的单词 要有E直接加R的 重读闭音节的 辅音加Y的以E结尾直接加R的单词 重读闭音节双写辅音字母加ER 辅音加Y结尾的 把Y变i加ER 的 单词 都要 求2013数学行知天下40页至41页答案 英语:句子该被动语态(练习) 1.How many hours a day did he make you play the piano last year?2.We should look after old people very well.3.How often does she ask you to clean the room.4.Little Betty can look after her well in her family 把下列句子改为被动语态(就一题)He gave me ten dollars yesterday 英语否定形式Happy的否定形式 “否定形式”英语怎么说?“否定形式”,英语怎么说? 英语否定转移的形式否定转移的形式主句能否用第三人称 求此句英语的否定形式The clerk sells the shoes at 68 dollar. 英文中如何表达双重否定?用何种形式?请说清楚一点,分几种情况?最好有例子说明.... 英语翻译要外语教学与研究出版社!最新的.主编是徐钟.第一课是:How's your college life?我要整本的课文原文翻译,是课文原文翻译.倘若好的话有加分!直接回答无效。但可以在这先留言! 新视野视听说The United States is proposing to cut (1) while it wants other countries to (2). The proposal comes (3) after President Bush (4). The new law (5) government aid for farmers, which costs (6) over the (7). Critics say the measure forc 英语中每个形容词都有自己的名词形式么 我是一个女孩,姓陈,想要个活泼,快乐一点的英文名, 美国有一个牌子的标志是NY两个字母重叠在一起.这事什么牌子? 有个帽子的标志是NY两个字母,是什么牌子?上海什么地方有卖? 那种帽子上常有的NY重叠在一起的标志是什么牌子?