
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/21 08:59:37
We wish you a Marry Chistmas的意思 we wish you merry christmas什么意思 draw的同类词 WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS draw改为否定词是什么? draw 的同义词, 写出两个带有履字的成语 don't let him persuade you这句 为什么有二个动词? One of the boys___(draw)by in the lake 我竭力保持宁静(安静)的环境,以免受人事的干扰和盛名的拖累,宁静可以改为安静吗?为什么? 马上就要学觉醒了,大家猜猜我能秒啥?悲剧,悲剧,55了才学觉醒. 写出4个带“如”的成语 金融英语证书是什么证书?考来有什么用呢?如何备考 C TOM数代码哪错了Description正整数的各位数字之和被Tom称为Tom数.求输入数( My aunt ( )(teach) in a school (变一般疑问句,肯定句) How do you teach English well in the Middle School? for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were中的given解释? the descriptions given by people中 by是 介词短语做后置定语吗?the descriptions given by people中 by people是 介词短语做后置定语吗?我只知道given是做定语的.他们不是相连的吧?分开的2个介词短语?还是过去 今年考研英语33总分281农学的能过A区线吗 Her aunt is a nurse.(一般疑问句) Her aunt wants to be a nurse 改为一般疑问句______ her aunt_____ to be nurse?Li lei has breakfast at school.(改为否定句) Li lei ___ ____breakfast at school. I am his aunt 如何变成复数句 who answers the telephone 财政政策自动稳定经济的功能是如何发挥作用的? 谁知道“志气”的反义词 我想鼓励鼓励我朋友. 志气的反义词如题! All parts FM approved-conduit head.怎么译?这是一个弹簧温度传感器的说明的一部份····FM approved-conduit 这三个没法译,求···· 如何突破英语听力 接风的反义词 In order to keep my parentsDear Editor, In order to keep my parents happy, I never went to 1.__________ Internet bars, dancing halls or other crowding 2.____________ place. I like reading books or doing my homework 3.____________ at home while listen 【听力】如何突破听力Gap 接风反义词是什么