
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:51:10
mary was the first in the exam为什么这里要在first前加the呢 first flag 前能加定冠词the么 打雷时打电话有没有害? 打雷时使用手机有什么危害?最好能说明一下危害的原理是什么 也可以把慎小嶷《十天突破雅思写作》的PDF发给我么?我也急要呢,谢谢.sivenwang1105@hotmail.com He wants a pen ().A.this B.that C.like this D.like one Joe sang and danced all the morning.同义句转换 Joe sang and danced ___ ___ ___. evangeline 的昵称是什么 Evangeline这个名字老不老 evangeline什么意思 __i thought she was on Atkins.___she was.carbs found her.Atkins是减肥的专家吧. 有什么个性点的英文名字 我姓麦的 帮忙起一个个性的(独创的)英文名(带上姓)!姓名:黄茵绮 性别:女 生日:1998年3月11日 星座:双鱼 快乐男声 第三名叫什么 快男谁是第三名? When the fire broke out, most of us felt ____ to scream for help.A. careful B. cautious C. hesitant D. tentative 参考答案为D,个人觉得C更好些呢.求解释 "broke out","broke into","broke in","started all of a sudden"的区别?它们的意思?什么情况可以使用? 求《慎小嶷十天突破雅思写作》及口语,有的请发邮箱 Watson.DQ@hotmail.com 谢谢 the idea of a day for mothers was first given by Anna Jarvis of the USA.中文意思 Then she said tat a woman named Anna Jarvis started Mother's Day in the early 1900s.超级急的我在写作业好的加分80 民以食为天,食以安为先.作文300-500 "官方"这个词是什么意思?用在哪? 就像候鸟飞是什么歌 用爆发造两个句子 一个用爆发的动词 一个是爆发的名词同上 有一首歌 歌词中有一句好像是"像候鸟飞向远方."是哪一首歌? 在一个语句中 如何区分动词 名词? 闯入四强用英语怎么说 英语翻译It went without saying that the appliance went on at the start of a show ,then off again at the end. 英语翻译翻译内容六工位减振器双动寿命试验台4.1上端加振行程:-85~+85mm可调4.5下端加振频率:13Hz无级可调4.10 阻尼力值检测:能够在减震器寿命试验过程中任意次数后检测产品阻尼力值 看懂国外的财经类书籍,报纸等需要怎样的英语水平? 候鸟迁徙为什么不会迷失方向? 1 A small bowl of porridge is not enough for me;please give me a l one.2 in the south of china,people often eat r .3 the little baby can't eat apples,but he can have some apple j .4 ──what kind of d would you like?──Tea5 the s is too salty(