
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 12:35:17
已知3x+2y+z=36,x+2y+3z=-20,则x+y+z的值为 实数x、y、z同时满足x^3+y=3x+4;2y^3+z=6y+6;3z^3+x=9z+8设实数x、y、z同时满足x^3+y=3x+4;2y^3+z=6y+6;3z^3+x=9z+8,试求2009(x-1)^2+2010(y-1)^2+2011(z-1)^2的值 广东初中物理八年级上册是什么版本?有标准的答案.谢了.急需~~~~ 第四题怎么写, 高中化学 1.5.7题 第四题怎么写要有过程. 第四题怎么写, 请问sin23°,cos23°,tan23°分别等于多少? sin23°cos68°-cos23°sin68°的值 -(y-x)^2•(x-y)^3•(y-x)^4 请尝试用定积分定义计算∫[1,2] 1/x dx(P51 §1.6微积分基本定理的引入题)如图 如图,平行四边形ABCD的对角线AC的垂直平分线与AD,BC分别交于点E,F.求证:四边形AFCE是菱形 急·····························1.他们已经决定学英语了.They____ ____ to study English.2.我妈妈已经在这家医院当了医生十三年了.My mom ____ ____ a doctor in this hospital for 13 years.3.我发现 泰山之力翻译 爬泰山怎么翻译 要第四题 要第四题 第四题, 初三英语试卷请帮忙翻译句子1,如果你填写这份申请表,你将成为我们俱乐部的成员.——————,you will be a member of our club.2,只要你愿意,你可以参加周末的参观活动._____,you may take part in the vis 帮我做初三英语试卷 初三英语测试题 第四题,过程, 泰山的诗句,不是作文,句子越短越好!是句子不是词语不是作文! Dear husband of four small,I will always love you 帮我翻译下谢谢 关于泰山的诗句 若ab≠1,且有5a^2+2008a+9=0及9b^2+2008b+5=0,则a/b=? 在下列每组B句的空白处填上适当的单词,使B句和A句意思相同。74.A:I saw Tom on the playground yesterday.At that time he was playing football.B:I saw ______ _______ football on the playground yesterday.75.A:It rained heavily,so 1.( )to everyone sometimes puts you at a disadvantage when you are doing something private.A.Known B.To know C.Being known D.Having known2.Only after I threw away the bag did I realize it was ( ).A.mine own B.of myself C.my own D.of my own请给出 一道初三英语竞赛题!Mum walked into the room with a paper bag in either_____A.side B.hand C.door D.one .01年初三英语竞赛题1.Jingbo Lake is very beauiful in autumn.(改为感叹句)______ ______ Jingbo Lake is in autumn!2.If we don’t move tha bag,there may be an accident.______ move that bag,______ there may be an accident.3.Bob and no teache 3分之x+2分之1((3分之2x)-4)=2 2分之3[4(X-3分之1)-3分之2]=2X 小于9990而大于121所有整数的平方根的和是多少