
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:21:15
适当形式填空it made a terrible noise after the ________(open )of the fridge 如图所示,竖直放置的轻弹簧一端固定在地面上,另一端与斜面体P相连,P与斜放在其上的固定档板MN接触且处于静止状态,则斜面体P此刻受到的外力的个数有可能是A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个为 Miss you said to me LiXiaoYing I sing song to let you hear翻译成中文是什么意思? Students needed to divide into different groups 这句话是不是有毛病呀 什么样的人是公子哥?公子哥喜欢什么样的女孩? There are five different time areas in the States.画出定状补 记得有首英文歌曲中的歌词‘i do anything for you ,anything you ask me to ’但不知叫什么名字,谢指教 人类的各种情绪是由体内的化学物产生的也就是说只要摄入相对的药物就可以抑制或杜绝某种感情是吗 中国大陆有没有廉政公署? 廉政公署由来 If you're anything like...这个句式是什么意思? 绵阳茶楼怎么装修?有没有装修比较内行的,给我的茶楼装修提供宝贵意见! 怎样进行质量持续改进 把“Mr.Johnson was too sick to go to work yesterday."改成一般疑问句 怎么改 PUMA怎么读这个牌子的英语怎么读啊 “PUMA”这个牌怎么读?是普马还是标马 请问PUMA怎么读啊?一直不太清楚给下音标好吗是不是:/'pjuma:好像你们的都不对 PUMA这个牌子的英文怎么念呀`希望能有音标`然后它的中文是什么呢`? 英语翻译麻烦用拼音字母. There just aren't good words to talk about Newtown.It is a crime that literally defies imagination翻译:There just aren't good words to talk about Newtown.It is a crime that literally defies imagination--hell,it flings imagination down and dances 请问recommend legislation that would make it a crime for…….里面的那个that什么意思,是什么成分?the panel recommend legislation that would make it a crime for private funding to be used for human cloning.请问那个that什么意思, we will carefully with every thing有没有语法错误? 这个是谁 let s go 的谁 where there is pain, there is gain!是什么意思?查过翻译,好像又不是“有志者事竟成”,“一分耕耘一分收获”,它们对应的是where there is will, there is way! No pain no gain,还是怎么样的呢? Where there is pain,I wish you peace and mercy. ALL BLUE 是什么为什么都怕天龙人 All words must be written______(with,in)blue ink. 单词critical receptioncritical reception在这里怎么翻译?外教放了个电影 然后有几个问题short linethemeactor那在这个情境下critical reception怎么翻译?是评论界的反应还是批评的反应还是什么? an educator`s renown is the flower watered with sweat什么意思 diet,是什么意思 在阳光下什么方向温度高? (1/3)麻烦大家帮我,英译中.把英语句子打上回复我的答案.lt hurts the economy by undermining the op