
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 20:41:55
血吸虫从哪里进入人体急 改为间接引语:He saidto the boy"Don't draw on the wall" 1、草地上盛开着各种各样的野花,有红的、白的、黄的、紫的,真像个美丽的大花坛.缩句 写出18、美丽的小兴安岭第四小节的节义 There___ seven days in a week为什么这个空填are, 一种黑白颜色各一半的动物,头的颜色为白色一种黑白颜色各一半的动物(左边白色右边黑色或者左边黑色右边白色不确定)头上的毛为白色,头型跟狗差不多.耳朵尖的竖着,尾巴白色扁的.体 请问头部带有触角身体呈乳白(或灰白)色的软体动物是什么?昨天晚上我在自己家里给竹子浇水后发现花盆里钻出来了个虫子,上个月曾发现过这种软体动物,但不知道是从哪里来的。它身 ( )( )days()()in a week?( ) ( )seven in() ( )1、( )( )days()()in a week?( ) ( )seven in( ) ( ).2、Excuse me,Jack.( )the( ),please?Let( )have( )look.OH!( )four o' clock .thank you ( )( ) Various video games在哪可以下载 I__play video games__ __.(一点也不) The doctor advised him to live in a place_____the air is fresh A.the B.when C.with D.where 这道题选什么, The doctor advised him ___too much meat.A.not eat B.not to eat C.don't eat D.doesn't eat选哪个?为什么? 不在,离开用英语拼写 你如果不在的英文怎么写谁能帮我把这句话分译成英文你不在,我怎么办?一瞬间,你出现,恍惚间,你离开.好像在花开赏寂寞.. Tom left the meeting room because he did not want to involve himself in that meaning less discussio帮忙翻译下,谢谢 get 和 reach arrive to the conclusion和reach the conclusion哪个正确 tom didn't go climbing.i won't go climbing ___ tom ___ i will go climbing 跪求英语作文"should college teacher criticise their student" 一个英语选择题:The parents___their son very much.A.lost B.missed C.thought请说明理由, 不在我这里 用英文怎么写 用The boy has 1000000dollars写三句定语从句 用The boy has a computer 改成定语从句 四句 分别用who who用The boy has a computer 改成定语从句 四句 分别用who whose that which 将下列各组简单句合并为含定语从句的复合句 1.The boy has come back .将下列各组简单句合并为含定语从句的复合句1.The boy has come back .The policeman is looking for him ( )2.She is a nurse .Her work is to take o how long will he be staying解释具体的结构 be staying 为什么这么用 Very tired oh,when are we going to stop?And wanted to hold out until when?Very tired oh,when are本人英语文盲认识个女孩子英语特好!互有感觉!今天在空间说了这么句话! He didn't stop ________ when he played cards如题这地方是填to eat 还是eating呢- -.我快被搞晕了 jump to a conclusion是什么意思? Do not jump to conclusions.英译中. 有没有任何一本根据遗忘曲线编写的背单词书籍?词汇量六千左右,最好附带与单词相关的短语和单词的用法详解... 求英语小学常见的疑问词和意思 Michael returned home yesterday.=Michael __ __ home __ yesterday.英语句式转换填空.总共三空 my song some songs in the party last sunday.对划线部分提问song some songs 画线,还有一些题they are at home yesterday.改否定句tina bounght a book just now .改否定句my cousin does will in english.改同义句