
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:10:56
They will hold the Olympic Games next year 这个句子变被动语态怎么变The Olympic Games______ ______ ______next year请告诉我三个空里面填什么,我很急啊 以我最真的一颗心真诚的祈祷:英语怎么说以我最真的一颗心真诚的祈祷:祈祷上帝保佑我最爱的那个他 —注意身体,照顾好自己,我感觉得到你的心,亲爱的,你在我心里最深的位置、无人可以 英语四级该怎么学才能过呀? 大学英语四级怎样学才可以过关 be sure to do sth和be sure of doing sth的区别 Waiting to do sth until you can be sure of doing it exactly right means waiting for ever~翻译 (1/2)Waiting to do something until you can be sure of doing it exactly r make sure to do与be sure to d 的区别是什么 歌词:将我贪婪的爱摧毁了,撕裂我的心…我只要在你怀里,永不分离…电视剧画皮的片尾曲 "我虽然贪婪物质上的东西,但是我不会贪婪我的爱情”请问用英语怎么讲? l love you forever with you we are sure that we will win (同义句) we are sure __ __ __ in the game ?I love you from my heart 、 i love you forever with you,这句话什么意思. It is r____ that two of the Chinese girls have won the game 英语翻译急 要中文意思 We hope that the chinese team will()the game of table tennis again at the 2008 Olympic games.A.win B.determine C.dominate D.control为什么不选A? We are sure that we will win in the game.的同义句是什么如We are sure _____ _____in the game. be sure to 接什么词he is sure to succeed有错吗:SUCCEED 为什么会有ED 半助动词 be certain to be sure to 的区别He`ll certainly be there.=He`s sure to be there.He`s certain to be there .为什么?最后的是我的答案 certain sure 的册重点是什么谢谢 电影《焦裕禄》中,扮演焦裕禄的演员叫啥名字啊?他演过哪些电视剧呀? be sure of 和 be sure to 找一个人惺惺相惜 找一颗心心心相印用英语怎么说 辨析 be sure of 与be sure to do sth 过大学英语四级需要什么 大学英语四级怎么过,需要什么能力 报考英语四级需要什么条件吗? 英语四级网考有什么要求吗? 焦裕禄是哪里人? 焦裕禄的感人事迹(要具体)?或者焦裕禄的感人小故事? make sure to do和be sure to do有什么区别? make sure of be sure about be sure of 的区别和意思 make sure后接to do还是do