
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:36:16
all the peole all the time为什么people前要加the 有板有眼?惟妙惟肖?动人心弦? over an area roughly 4 miles by 5 miles 怎么翻译? in two hours 什么时候表示两小时内,什么时候表示两小时之后? We___for Beijing in two hours.为什么答案是are leaving,而不是will leave 什么是陈述语序?she asked what was the mattershe asked what the matter was 哪个是对的啊?哪个是又是陈述语序啊?什么是陈述语序啊?be动词怎么放啊? 三年级语文题银杏树叶像什么一样从空中飘落下来 求英语广播频率山东的最好是潍坊的 The boss went to the hospital and asked the doctor __ with the young worker.key:what was the matter这个为什么不用改换成陈述语序呢 陈述语序问题Would you please tell me ______ with Peter?He looks unhappy.—Sorry.I don’t know,either.A.what’s the matter B.what wrong is C.what the matter is D.what wrong it was选哪个why 外语广播是什么 频道? 求一篇文章的译文 Market Orientation:AntecedentsRT:求一篇文章的中文版作者:Bernard J.Jaworski and Ajay K.KohliMarket Orientation:Antecedentsand ConsequencesThis research addresses three questions:(1) Why are some organizations more m 我叫鲍文君,金牛座 女 取什么英文名好听? 鲍文君 金牛座 女 什么英文名好? II often piay basketball for about two hours each time in the gym.翻译成中文 英语翻译But I soon became struck by was the sheer volume of both observation and investigation he has done in many different sports and I felt persuaded that what he had to say would be of real interest. 英语翻译But I soon became struck by was the sheer volume of both observation and investigation he has done in many different sports and I felt persuaded that what he had to say would be of real interest. She soon became America's golden girl.“golden girl.怎么翻译更好” 英语翻译"define architectural framework for application systems and infrastructure environment fit for the business" 如何翻译计算机 Business Strategy and the Environment 这本期刊的封面和目录谁有..随便什么格式 要第11期第5卷的谢谢 谁知道The Business Environment(Ian Worthington and Chirs Britton)中文版叫什么? 什么情况下要用到陈述语序? 怎样理解马克思所说:“我不是马克思主义者” eco-environment是什么意思,并写出音标 tools和environment是什么意思?能把音标给我吗? He thinks comedies are funny(改为否定句怎么改)如题 简短些 怎么回事?我怎么背语文背得,但是英语就是记不得呀?大家能教教我学英语吗? 动词可以加在always后面么,such as stand always之类的急急急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!最好今天啊各位,拜托了啊啊!!! How many dishes are there on the dinner table?同义句_______ ______ ______of dishes on the dinner table? 鲁迅不是党员,为什么他是一个马克思主义者? 共产党其实不是马克思主义者今天看完政治马原部分,觉得马克思说的还是挺好的,但拿共产党和马克思主义相比,共产党根本不是什么马克思主义者嘛,简直是骗人的.请真正懂马克思的人回答! As we know ,oil always 漂浮on water