
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 17:37:10
把 I like with number workingI songs playing and English like games singing best 都要连起来 feel like a number 是指什么 I don't like number.中的numbers什么意思 I got her number,how do you like them apples?oh it's wrong to divorce,right?please talk about your views your feelings and your thoughts on the topic,please remember there are always two sides to everything It infuriates me to be wrong when I know I'm right. _ in the dark night,lights on top of tall building look like stars in the skyA seen B TO See C having seen D seeing 好像为什么呢 请说明原因 别的为什么不行 the lights look like the stars.=the lights _____ _____the stars.同意句转换!怎么换? 用适当的介词或副词填空 I'm going to buy a new car____the money. 《示儿》中写出作者心事的两句诗 示儿中写诗人心事的诗句到底是哪句?怎么回答都不一样? 对于心思不在的学习上的同学,我们可以用学过的诗句来劝告 for (count=MAX_NUMBER+1; count!=0; count--) 这句什么意思 有一首歌叫number number 5 是不是?歌名字是什么来着? 卓越铸就经典英文怎么说请帮我把这句话翻译过来,最好语言精简! “发明和创造哪一个更伟大”英文怎么说 英语翻译 很简单的英语自我介绍我下午要去上个英语课,需要说个自我介绍..实在不知道该怎么说,无非就是MY name is DaiQianwen,I'm twelve years old 大家能不能帮我想想其他能说的有一些,有一句一定要加 就是 品质缔造卓越,服务赢得信赖 英文怎么说 (自我介绍)用英语自我介绍,一般人会开头说:Hello,everyone∕everybody,my name is.今天上课,我听到一个人说开头语是这样:Hello,baby,.请问这样的开头有什么错误(或者根本没错)? 小学英语作文An E-mail to Xiao Qing提示:China,primary school,three people,doctor,driver要求:1、Linda 是肖晴的笔友,请根据所给的提示语,展开想象,以Linda的身份给Xiao Qing写封E-mail.2、条理清晰,意思明确,语 以2012年初(即寒假)发生的时事政治为背景,出一道政治主观题,要求:能从经济、政治、哲学角度分析. 英语翻译 the god doesn't live up to someone who spends time and efforts什么意思 It doesn’t move for a long time. I think our football team is going to beat ________.A.they B.them C.their D.theirs选什么?为什么? do you think our team can win can 这个单词在这个句子里是什么词性. "明明姐姐叫你快去"这句话的标点有几种打法 我叫Fu Bin 谁能给我起个好听 而且好记的英文名啊? 连衣裙英文怎么拼? what are we going to do after work?i am thinking that we could a movie------------what are we going to do after work?------------ i am thinking that we could ()a movietake down,take out,take in,take on选take in了,为啥呀 读下面一段新闻对于这个名考生的做法你有何看法请写出来2月20日,是鲁迅美术学院2008年艺术类招生专业课考试的日子上万名考生参加了当天下午的考试 考前考场外出现了一个令人惊讶的场