
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:29:33
这里的 control 请举例说明谢谢 以Would sb.like sth.组成的问句中的some是不是不用转换成any?Would you like something to eat?Would you like anything to eat? 歌词有两句是I can be your hero,I can be the little girl开头还有嘻嘻的笑声,唱的好像是个小女孩,到后面一部分还有很高的女高 I can be your hero,I can kiss away the pain,I will stanb by you forever是那首歌的歌词? 屈原原文求<九歌>中的<国殇>篇原文(有译文就更好了,没有也没关系), let me be your hero歌词的中文意思would you run and hide?am i in too deep?have i lost my mind?i don't careyou're here tonighti can be your hero,babyi can kiss away the paini will stand by you foreveryou can take my breath awayoh,i just want to Let me be your hero的歌词是什么意思 谁能帮我翻译(Let me be your hero.)的歌词(Let me be your hero.)Would you danceIf I asked you to dance?Would you runAnd never look back?Would you cryIf you saw me crying?And would you save my soul, tonight?Would you trembleIf I touched your li 咏怀古迹其五颈联运用了什么表现手法,表现了诗人怎样的情感原文诸葛大名垂宇宙,宗臣遗像肃清高.  三分割据纡筹策,万古云霄一羽毛.  伯仲之间见伊吕,指挥若定失萧曹.  运移汉祚 expired 什么意思 咏怀古迹(其三)咏叹王昭君其人其事,寄寓了诗人怎样的情感?中间两联主要运用了什么表现手法? Your trial period has expired的中文意思 请问EXPIRED是什么意思? what's the diffrence of hurricane and tornado and cyclone不都是龙卷风的意思吗? 斯巴鲁车方向盘上CANCEL键是什么意思 What statistics reflect the impact and magnitude of use?啥意思阿 本田雅阁车的方向盘右边四个开关(分别是:RESACCEL,CANCEL,CRUISE,DECELSET)是什么意思?怎么用? what's the impact of over-fishing? what's the significance of Discovery of Newland and it's influence toward colonization?who can help me to answer it thanks我是说用英文回答这个问题 不是翻译 集体点 cancel 什么意思 the teacher said light ____ faster than soundA:isB:went C:goD;be 屈原《九歌 湘夫人》的解释 请速回答诗歌的译文 屈原的《九歌》中,提及到湘君、湘夫人吗? 求屈原《九歌 湘夫人》的解释. who are some of the people that died and what were their jobs的意思 1.Mary's ring fall into a coffee cup,but the ring is dry ,why?2.A person puts his blue clothes into the Yellow River ,then what will hap-pen 3.Which animal looks like a tiger ,but as big as a cat?且用英语. 一个打碎的咖啡杯 是a breaked coffee cup还是break? :Where’s the girlhas written a letter in reply.你在评论中批评的那个作者已写了一封回信.:Where’s the girl who sells the tickets?卖票的女孩在哪里?The author whom you criticized in your view has written a letter in repl He dropped the ____and broke it.A.cup of coffee B.coffee's cup NOW use the information from A to complete your reply to simon's letter 两杯咖啡 英文(不用cup)没量词的用法