
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:43:49
英语翻译A tall Frenchman was staying in a small English town with his wife.One night,he was walking in a street,when suddenly a short Englishman quickly walked past him.Just then the Frenchman found that his watch was lost.He thought that the Eng 把Tom has strong arms.改为感叹句 我永远不会放弃你 英文怎么说 英语翻译1.beautiful music makes it a joy to watch this movie over and over.2.also a quiet dinner at home with all the families talking about their day is a way to take a good rest after a long ,hard day of work.3.look through the keyhole when you Tom has strong arms.改成感叹句,咋改? Tom with his friends ( ) to go to the movies on weekends.括号里应该填like 还是likes? tom looks strong对strong提问 金色用英语怎么说?!在线等!急! 金色的用英语怎么说啊 科学低碳未来,初中想象作文 不少于1000字 ”滚”,用英语翻译, ”滚出来”,用英语翻译谢谢 我该滚了,英语翻译 金色用英语怎么说 翻译 不要机译 他和tom共用一台电脑 “对不起,我做不到放弃你”英文怎么写? 翻译 tom上个月卖了房子 英语简单的自我介绍[说给外国人的]注上汉语 金色的用英语怎么说 汉译英(不好译)广纳仁人志士,以人为本求发展. 英语翻译高中水平就可以了 不要翻译词典翻译 我叫李华,我是一名志愿者.在一些地方因为贫穷,一些孩子没有饭吃,到了冬天没有衣服穿,他们都是可怜的,我希望我们的老师学生们伸出援助之 英语翻译等公车的有些人变得很生气.1.Some of the people waiting for the bus became angry.2.Some of the people to wait for the bus became angry.就是把修饰主词分词换成不定式来修饰,还有就是一般动词后面可以接 present by tom Tom will go to his friend's birthday party .He doesn't know---he should bring a present A what B if 翻译 中译英 英译中那个女孩的确是18岁,那头像就是她本人吧,现在的女孩子都长得比较成熟.是你认识的人吗?can u please add her and find if she is who she is i mean i hope she is not trying to fool me and u r very 怎样用英语像老外介绍有关西安的历史越地道越好 给老外介绍一道适合夏天吃的中国菜,用英文写 关于介绍一位外国人来中国的英语作文加翻译还有他喜欢什么 有没有给外国人介绍咱们中国的英语句子?当然,主要是要表达咱们中国很好的意思!如果中国有很多古建筑啊,有很多好吃的啊···· 英语翻译My friend _____ a _____ _____ with _____ _____ and _____ hair. 因为他有一头金色的爆炸头发型,这句话用西班牙语翻译 求小人物变大人物的电视剧?譬如像大染坊,聚宝盆,士兵突击.这一类的.