
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:53:40
我英语口语不太好,想报个提高口语的班? 请帮我翻译这一段英文,关于推特(TWITTER)的,RT 如何注册英文twitter 我要关注Justin!知道的加扣1261740538 我们的队旗是什么 请问一下这是什么地方的旗帜,是国旗、区旗还是队旗,不知道能不能看清楚 初一英语现在分词有哪些?尽量多举多点例子,够写一张的 英语翻译concent:This is the Postfix program at host mail2.tencent.com.I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returnedbelow could not be delivered to one or more destinations.For further assistance,please send mail to If you do so,plea I like swimming in an _______(in the open air)pool.(填词) 想学英语口语,有没有上海低价转让华尔街英语的啊?还不知道华尔街怎么样啊.听说有个电话英语有人试过吗?也不知道能不能学到东西. 选用there be 或 have 的适当形式填空 1.___ a table in the room.2.I ___ a new friend.3.____ 40 students in Class One.4.___ Grace ___ a bag?5.___ they ___ a daughter? my last summer vacation怎么写?要去北京,看了长城 go skating go to the zoo watch panda.还有lion monkey and so on 英语翻译You’re the heaven of the world in AprilYou’re the heaven of the world in April,I sayThe laughter brightens the wind around softlyAlters in the bright sunlight while dancing in springYou’re the cloud and mist in early AprilBlowing so 麻烦帮我翻译 翻译 下面的句子 THANK YOU!If you eat more,you will fatter…You are too thin… Remember…you must sleep early…it is good for your skin and health… I also want to say many thing to you…but I really don't know how to s Liu Jie has had quite a few chances to go to Britain,however,she hasn't been there.A.sill B.evenC.already D.yet 答案为什么是B?even 不是 有甚至得意思吗?那好想不达意呀~在 she 和 hasn't 之间 Has she go a pencil?_Yes,______________ 句型转换①she will go to another city by air(改为同义句)①she will go to another city by air(改为同义句)she will ____ ____ another city②do you thishe will go to another city by air(改为同义句)do you think you _____ ____ _______ you have got used to it ,you’ll like it .A.While B.On the condition C.Once D.Unless Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.这里为什么用use而不是used?是什么句型? 在哪能下载4级作文(文本+MP3) – Have you visited Xi'an?– Yes,I _______ there many times.A have been B go C went to Do you have a r____?Yes,I do.But it's a short time. 旗是什么颜色? 我姓章是什么旗 人名Van Dyke Parks怎么翻译? 英语翻译此人母亲是法国人,父亲是越南人 人名Van Dyke Parks怎么翻译? 英语翻译另外Agaath van Waterschoot怎么翻译译名? He has a big room _______ (有)twelve showers and four baths. 实业救国在近代中国行不通的主要原因A.科技水平严重滞后,资产阶级力量弱小B.中国近代实业往往被反动政权所垄断C.没有摆正民族独立和国家近代化D.中国半殖民地半封建社会性质所决定的 在20世纪之交,张謇提出‘‘父实业,母教育’’的主张,积级 倡导实业教国和教育救国,结果却行不通.而现 We need to improve the ------ of our new range of products.A.look B.expression C.appearance D.outlook选C,可翻译不通啊. 近代以来中国人民创业救国的历史就是想问一下 近代来中国人民是怎么用经济带动中国的发展 和拯救国家的 就是这么一个意思 语句可能不通 但中心意思是一样的