
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:40:20
Is she lily?翻译过来是什么 The streets always have many cars running nowadays.这句话怎么理解它的构成呢,尤其是running?在句中是什么成分,什么词性? The streets always have many cars running nowadays改错从语法层面分析The streets always have many cars running nowadays.这样改对吗,还是需要改成There are always many cars running on the streets nowadays.The street可以做主语吗 勾三股四玄五公式是什么? 汉译英 我打算明年到过为留学 I will intend to study abroad next year 这么造句对么 为什么 Is it helpful to study abroad?用英文回答 After graduating from the English Department,he went abroad for further education中After graduating from...是什么语法? 语文七年级上册古代诗歌四首和《世说新语》两则的主旨是什么? ----She has a nice sound,-----so she ( ).是填has还是does 求10篇唐诗宋词的鉴赏文章!每篇300字左右就可以了! 帮我写一篇 反对说善意的谎言 辩论稿 She has a T-shiet.It's orange.(合并为一句) 求一篇辩论稿(讲诚信与善意的谎言)我是反方(认为生活中有时需要“善意的谎言”)写真实点要求:辩论前,先确定自己是持反对还是赞成的观点,并选好支持自己观点的事例!好了追加分, 写一篇讲诚信与善意的谎言的辩论稿拜托了!我有急用. 关于唐诗宋词鉴赏的论文八百字以上 刘彻的下一代是谁 Look at the (key).They are beautiful 用所给单词的适当形式填空 when there is a biridhday cake,we must becareful with the candles 翻译意思 There is a big cake with 90 __?__ candies on it.A.big B.small C.short D.long And a big cake is on the table,( )some candles on it A for B to C with 解答一下并解释 马说中的通假字及本文解释 英语翻译现在多种语言翻译最准确的是什么软件?谁知道介绍下呗!在线或者是下载的软件(没病毒就好)都可以.谷歌就不用了.翻译的一塌糊涂! 在袋鼠女包系列品牌里有哪些其他品牌? It is my grandmother'eightieth birthday.该句中的序数词前为何没有the 不同种类袋鼠的颜色不同,用英语怎么说? My grandmother"s eightieth birthday was approacing and i was at a loss.完 You are my most precious什么意思 you are my most precious person怎么读? You are my most precious treasure.、、翻译下 英语翻译1.项为之僵2.默而识之 You are my most precious treasure什么意思? 《陈涉世家》的通假字翻译.