
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 13:20:36
we like yao ming because he is good at basketball对because he is good at basketball提问 he is good at PE because he likes basetball翻译 it,likes,and,chess,good,Peter,he,playing,is,at连词成句 亚马逊河主要位于哪个国家请大家帮帮忙啦~~ 亚马逊河在哪个国家快 could you tell me how to get to the bun, please?(同义转换) Please tell me how I can get to the park.改为同义句 Could you please tell me how I can get to the park?同义句Could you please tell me how _____ _____ to the park? 非洲的主要地形是 欧洲主要地形区 自西向东 1._____ your friend _____(like) sports?2.转换句型.(1)I think tennis is very interesting.(划线1._____ your friend _____(like) sports?2.转换句型.(1)I think tennis is very interesting.(划线部分是tennis)(按划线部分提问) 选用所给词的适当形式填空have to late to school afetr school in bed can by outside don't1.——( ) we play games here?——NO,please ( ).2.——When do you do sports?——We do sports ( ).3.——Where is Kate?——Look@ She is drawin 莲花落什么意思 莲花落是什么? 落子如飞 什么意思? 非洲的地形主要以哪为主 为什么黄河入海口不易形成城市?尽量用地理性的语言 问题:为什么黄河入海口不易形成城市? look before you leap. look before you leap怎么念 Look before you leap(跳)明天我就要参加,这句话的意思! Before you buy a plane ticket you must look at the t_____ first. China is a L______ country with long history. China is___ancient country with___long history.A.a,aB.an,anC.the,aD.an,a要写原因,具体点 我才知道你已回家了.两个空 she told me did I know that you had gone home. ____ told that her son got sick,she hurried to the school to take him home.A.Having B.BeingC.Having been ____ told that her son got sick,she hurried to the school to take him home.A.Having been B.Being为什么B不行? 黄河的入海口在哪个城市?这座城市位于山东省 China is a big country .It has a long history.它的同义句 China is a big country.It has a long history.用英语解释句子 China is a big country.It has a long history.(同义句转换) 我的生活方式和他相同 My lifestyle is ( ) To swim in the river is very interesting.(同义句转换) 我在这个城市有几个好朋友.I have ( )in this city.重要现在在 Had they g_____ up by the time I came back home?