
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:31:54
周国平是怎么死的 请问英语还用学吗? He said,“I get on well with them 改为间接引语 The old man was so tired that he had to stop ______a rest这里填to have 还是havingwhy? good morning ,teacher.老师上午好 这种问候的说法正确吗 You're new here,_____________(to be)you?Yes,I am.Read the following conversation then put the correct form of the verbs shown in brackets into the space provided. 关于生活态度,有人曾经跟我说过,不是每个人都必须要获得多大的成就,你可以过着忙忙碌碌的一生,也可以过着轻轻松松的一生,你可以奋斗拼搏,努力的去成功,也可以守着那一亩三分地,任岁 将下面的句子重新排列,使之成为一段合理的对话.A.You can say,''Good morning,teacher.''B.The first thing is to greet the teacher.C.Well,what kinds of rules do you have here when I am first invited to a friend's house?D.What gifts sha Good morning,Teacher li.把大写T改为小写t对吗?这句话哪里错了?怎么才是对的. 初一英语短文要好背 very急 Good morning ________you John asked his classmates to listen to him carefully.间接引语改为直接引语 he said to us“please listen to me carefully.同义句以he asked开头 He came and gave us a talk last sunday 改写,用动词不定式 He ____ ____ ____ us a talk last sunday He came and gave us a talk last Sunday(用动词不定式改写)请说出为什么为什么写 came to give. he drink milk every day 是什么意思 每天喝牛奶对我们有好处.___ ____ _____ ______to drink milk every day. 关于“正视自己”,“正视别人”,“扬长避短”三个分论点的论据,每个两个事例,一句名言. 给10个话题,每个话题要收集三个事实论据,两则名人名言.事例最好有正有反;要新颖,离现在越近越好;要简明,每个事例不得超过80字.话题:理想.爱国.意志.合作.爱心.勤奋.节俭.读书.友谊.宽容. 是关于"修养与机遇"的(高一写的)至少5个论据... How can I help him?He can aIways depdne on me!Let is go out on the weekend.要准确啊不要瞎编 万用表dt-830b在电阻档没换档就去测电压了把表烧坏了,我开起后盖看到烧坏两个电阻,现在不知道它的阻值贴片电阻R5和R24被烧坏了,测量误差大得离谱,哪位仁兄知道阻值请告诉小弟一下,我直 我的万用表dt-830b在电阻档没换档就去测电压了把表烧坏了,我开起后盖看到烧坏一个电阻,现在不知道它的阻值 Bruce lived in Beijing in 2012.(对画线部分提问,画线部分是in Beijing in 2012)_____ and _____ did Bruce _____? It's 5:00 a.m.in Beijing.what time is it in New York now? "just think how much those flowers mean to 如上 1,---what do you think of the furniture on exhibition? ----i donot think much of the ___you bought ,1---what do you think of the furniture on exhibition? ----i donot think much of ___you boughta the one b it c that d which 2 his 请问EVE中 各族新手出生的星系,星域也行.最好准确一些另外,新手最多的是哪个族啊? eve有多少个0.0星系 EVE特殊星系EVE哪些星系是比较特殊的?例如吉他是现在的贸易中心.谁能罗列一下,越详细越好 如果eve中各个星系之间也可以传送,那么eve会是个什么样子?对很多人来说,在各个星球之间跳跃时非常痛苦的,但如果没有这些漫长的跳跃,那么eve会是个什么样子?eve还有现在的乐趣么?eve他还是 EVE 星系实际安全等级从什么地方可以获取星系实际安全等级的信息,就0.0以下负数的那个,据说数字越小怪越肥