
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 18:26:08
含有乐器名的和含有地名的成语有哪些 英语翻译说实话,这张照片照的呆呆的,很傻气,很丑,我都不好意思寄给你```*^_^*姐姐,你现在生活怎么样了,病情已经痊愈了吗?我还好,正在为生活奋斗,努力学会独立.今天我们这里下雨,本来约和 英语翻译Does your friend have a perpal too?If so what is her name of the perpa?I have 22people in my 4th grade class.Your hand wring is very neat.What is your favorite book?mines is who is stealing the 12Days of Christmas?It has 200 pages and 29 英语高手帮忙,请帮忙帮我翻译这封信,并帮我写封回信!Hello my son, how are you? I am not good because look what your mother have done with my house. I think I must drink some beer when we see us personally. Greetings also from your 英语翻译朋友叫我帮他把一封中文信翻译一下,因为本人水平有限,希望有那位精通英语的朋友帮个忙(是把中文翻成英文)有意的朋友留一个名,.. 农历初一到十五,月相变化由小到大,由扁到圆.这句话对吗? 从初一到十五,月相的亮面如何变化 We are both from Canada (同义句转换) (改否定句和一般疑问句)1.she rowed a last week.2.we did home work yesterday.3.we run fast lastyear.4.Amy plays football well.5.There are enough pencils. “If you could choose come back as,what would it be?”,这个句子后面为什么要加个as?请指教 For years to come it will be beyond what movies can achieve中文翻译 you can tell others who you are with what you choose to wear 关于时尚的翻译 关于Iam from China.They aare from China.改成特殊疑问句 Are they from China?(改同义句)_________they________China? 选择,they will --shang hai tomorrow.a,arrive ,b,get c,reach ,d ,go They are from China 对中国提问 they are from China.同义句?they ()()China They are from c----- They speak china 四大洋七大洲的英文(有音标)要准确,详细一定要有音标,实在没有也行!周四之前要交的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!急 我爱春风和朝霞.也爱小草和鲜花.但我更爱落叶.这一句话.起了什么作用 Shall we pay a visit to Shanghai?为什么用a 高山地带气候自上而下有( )变化现象,形成( )气候现象. 英语作文:中西方婚礼文化的差异.100词左右 上海现在哪些自然景观漂亮的地方啊? 找100个少见的词语要解释家庭作业没办法 我要100个abab式的词语(要解释的)没100个也行不过越多越好 一篇英语作文初中一年级50词左右 my experience of visit the shanghai world expo 微笑的现在进行时用英语怎么收 七大洲四大洋怎么用英语表示? 阿拉伯数字是阿拉伯国家发明的吗?拜托各位大神同上 动物从种到界的分类