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英语翻译麻烦翻译一下… 谁订了学英语报学英语报正规吗?有国内统一邮发编号吗?有邮发代号吗? 法语里的salut ma belle tu vas bien la tour eiffel,tu es très belle.je veux avoire la chance de te visiter应该是法语吧,麻烦帮我翻译成中文 英语翻译RT 英语对话填空Hi,Bob! I have a problem. I don't know what to do._____________________ My friends.They're planning a picnic.Then___________________They 商店的隔壁 用英语怎么说?快! 英文对话填空A:Nini,are you playing with your cat?B:Yes,I like ______ _____.And you?A:My hobby is ______.And my friend Mary likes ______.B:My brother likes ______and______TV. English对话填空A:I was born in 1993.B:So you're fourteen and one ____ oldA:Yes.I'm fifteen years old next month. English!~对话填空John Gates is Anne Miller's new friend.Last week,Anne invited John to visit her house and offered him a good meal which was cooked by herself.J:Oh,Anne,that was a wonderful dinner.That's the b____(1) meal I've had in a long tim 求魂断蓝桥观后感一篇 六百字左右 think as I tall Jane as I you is 连词成句 what/it/a/is/giraffe/tall/!(连词成句) he a boy is tall(?)连词成句 you,Su Yang,or younger,is,who(连词成句) 英语翻译是一首歌.歌手是尚雯婕.求整首歌的中文翻译. 下面为一段英语对话,请填空.1.A.May I help you?B.Yes,I want( )of chalk.C.I waht( )of biack ink.2."Seventy-one " is( )3.What’s for breakfast?( )4.The Chinese usually use( )5.A.How do you like lizard?B.They're( )6.The ra 英语翻译A:Hi,go to the fridge and bring me some chicken,I'm hungry!B:_________________.A:I love chicken.B:_________________.Chicken is cheap and good.A:_________________chicken is very cheap.Every time I buy a lot.B:Yes.But there is one problem.A 我操翻译英文 may i take this seat?我可以坐在这吗?may 是情态动词吧?take呢?后面没有介词 seat是他的宾语把?这里的this是形容词吧 不是介词吧?那么take这个动词是及物吧 直接接宾语?首先翻译的对吗然后回答我 某班运动队由足球运动员18人、篮球运动员12人、乒乓球运动员6人组成,现从这些运动员中抽取1个容量为n的样本,若分别采用系统抽样和分层抽样,则都不用剔除个体;当样本容量为n+1个时,若 足球队共有几人 英语填空 对话A:How was the weather? B:___ _____ hot and humid 求solo tu歌词完整翻译 Tu vivi nell'aria 歌词翻译 英语翻译Mi amorI'm not sure of the right words to sayMaybe these simple words will do best to best explainWhat I feel in my heartWhat I feel more each dayHow to make you seeHow to let you knowHow to sayHow to sayHow I love you soWith words you un 英语翻译 周国平在什么背景写的 善良·丰富·高贵 求周国平的《善良 丰富 高贵》阅读答案1.本文在叙述角度上有什么特色?2.试简要概述文章第二自然段的主要内容3.“我”为什么要怀念“丰富”呢?4.在现实社会中人心冷漠的人不少,但心存善 交往的质量 周国平 阅读理解1使一种交往具有价值的不是交往本身,而是交往者各自的价值.高质量的友谊总是发生在两个优秀的独立人格之间,它的实质是双方互相由衷的欣赏和尊敬.因此,重 周国平简介 善良丰富高贵 答案文章中心论点是善良 丰富 高贵在文中的具体含义是什么?是什么让作者怀念善良 丰富 高贵?简要回答请你为文中善良补充一个事实论据