
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:02:56
Ben is going to have ham s____for lunch today. the girl have long eyes前头填什么?答语是什么? I saw the girl that we have seen in TV in last summer我想表达的是:我看见了去年在电视上看见的女孩,英文对么? The only disability in life is a bad (态度) The computer I bought was a last minute (便宜货) the show is about stories .people from all overthe word come to the sh 冰心一步入文坛,便以宣扬什么著称? 怎样让生活精彩 冰心已步入文坛,便以宣扬什么著称 《心中的风景让我陶醉》 急 Tony and I are good friends.We usually learn a lot()each other.为什么这个空填from? 英语翻译《孟子 梁惠王下》 庄暴见孟子曰 “暴见于王,王语暴以好乐,暴未有以对也.”曰:. 以“牵动心灵的声音”写一篇高中作文 请问这是什么歌:we are young 站在高岗上 怎样解决习得性无助 “爱你的最好方式就是把你的名字写在我的手心上"英语翻译 黄冈学霸8年级英语下册什么书店有?(太原)著名在哪条路上 求!电视剧《爱情公寓》里第20集一菲牵小贤的手的时候的插曲的名字(英文的) it could really use some1、It could really use some of this washable yellow wallpaper.我想知道这句的翻译谢谢各位了.2、The obviously major savings that could be achieved by integrating technological systems efficiently with structure w We can use “some” in questions .翻译 i bet santa could use some toasty-warm long johns. 人本心理学的“人本”是什么意思? Tony and I ( ) good friends He will graduate from this university____two B.after C.within D.withafter tony and i a后面加什么 good friends I have a set of ___(钥匙).Jim and Tony ___(是) good friends. 黄种人中最聪明的民族是哪个? it iis ___that he will be graduate from collegecertaincertainlysurelysure 肤色最白的黄种人是那个民族的 全世界有多少个黄种人 俄罗斯有哪些黄种人民族?有哪些是中国也有的? 修一条公路,第一周修了全长的十分之三 ,第二周修了270米,还剩下一半没有修,这段公全长多少米? 修一条路,第一周修了30%,第二周修了270米,还剩一半没修,这条路全长多少米