
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 06:37:34
同义句替换.急1.Lily is not as good at sports as Lucy.Lucy is ()()sports than Lily.2.This apple is bigger than any other apple in the basket.This apple is bigger than all ()()apples in the basket.3.We are going to the mountains so that we can en 同义句替换 1.Thanks for the beautiful card._ _ for the beautiful card.2.Here is my family photo.Here_ _ _ _ my family. 顾炎武“众治”怎么解释? 能不能帮我解释这句话(顾炎武)百家之说,粗有窥于古人,一卷之文,思有裨于后代 古代的龙头铡、虎头铡、狗头铡分别斩什么样的人?犯什么嘴才动用这些铡刀?谢谢、我现在看<新包青天>里面有提到这几种铡刀 顾炎武名字解释明朝灭亡之后改名炎武,为何? asda skimmed fresh milk的热量是多少? when something glowing caught his eye,he stopped to pick it up fresh feliz cumpleaos是什么意思 商品和货币都不是永恒存在的这句话对不对,为什么? 货币不是商品,这句话对吗? 货币和商品是一对孪生兄弟 这句话错在哪? 宝宝睡睡袋以后还要再加盖棉被吗?睡袋是多厚的. 请问鲷鱼是什么?请尽量写的全一点, 鲷鱼适合在什么样的水里生存,鲷鱼怎么放生 would it be more realistic for a career in public health care? distance (correspondence) management是什么课程? 急问:课程Enterprise Systems Management中文课程名叫:企业系统管理 谁知道 这个课程教授的是什么内容 大概的就可以了.. 心疼,用英语的翻译 ,要及物动词! 翻译:你肯定你的答案(answer)吗? 翻译answer CODE-GEASS 如何翻译,spread为何不用被动The golden light spread across the sky,making the evening of the country look even more beautifulspread为何不用被动 求英文翻译 CDS spread 翻译成金融术语 spread rushes怎么翻译? 翻译:Flies spread disease. 谁帮个忙一定给好评 research interest是什么意思 like和for example的使用区别. S______can be used for making food and drinks sweet 请问,crossing和crossroad都能表示名词十字路口的意思吗,可以互换吗?如题,It was a crossroads in my life.那是我一生中重大的抉择关头。这个句子可以改成 It was a crossing in my life 这个句子和上面的那个