
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 19:34:34
如果你上学就告诉我今亡亦死的亡是什么意思 往亦死 去亦死 死亦足以是什么意思 镍在200摄氏度会有什么表现?会氧化?会冒烟? I have spoken to you,I have not forgotten,you go then,I remember,帮忙下吧`朋友`` the United Nations Rigister of Conventional Arms的意思 英语翻译And if you believe leasing equipment internationally may be a worthwhile business pursuit,an understanding of key considerations will put the issues you or your company may have to address into a quick business perspective and assist you 物理化学在医学检验中的意义是什么一些生活中看到的医学检验的例子, I will ring up my teacher after school.怎么改成 I will______my teacher after school_____over It was snowy today.After breakfast I_____to school.On my____to school,I saw a man___a bike in fron这篇是看图填空 由于字数的控制 Since when does the Joker have red hair?有什么寓意 世界上杰出的科学家都信基督教吗? 自然科学家为什么也信基督教 电磁场与电磁波!试推导介质中磁场与自由电流密度的关系?若阶质1为无耗介质.介质2为理想导体,试推导介质中磁场与自由电流密度的关系? Correct ideas comes feom s____ practice He can not play the guitar or talk to his classmates l____ in the classroom.首字母填空 心甘情愿上圈套 打一歇后语 心甘情愿地上别人的圈套.根据意思写歇后语 甘愿去做某件事歇后语 DaVid中文是什么 david的中文是甚懡? ___ it wasn't so cold,I'd like to go swimming.要语法的!答案好象是Because I will go swimming.It is not cold.(合并成含if的条件句) It is so cold that we can't go shopping.(改为同义句) get my car starting 这是个特殊用法吗我们英语老师真的讲过,这是个特殊用法,get在这种情况下接的是ing形式.老师既然特地讲了,我们也做过类似的习题,是选starting,应当没错的.不过最近又做了一 had been doing是主动还是被动 电铸~~~求助~~~ 请教各位大侠,关于电铸工艺,请见附图,请问工件在什么位置?是如何脱模的?谢谢! 我想电铸模具、电铸电火花电极、电铸标牌、电铸佛像、电铸工艺品、电铸金、电铸铜、电铸镍等等,哪里有电铸设备卖? Uninstall success! 为什么 人民币升值 出口增加为什么上半年人民币升值了那么多,出口还是创新高?请详细分析.是统计数据不可信,还是实际如此? 向量在物理中的应用,论文. Youth is hot and bold,Age is weak and cold,Youth is wildand Age is tame请问这出自莎士比亚的哪首诗这几句怎么翻译?