
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:25:31
the same as ..the same that.This book is the same ( ) we saw yesterday.A asB thatC like为什么?尤其解释用C错在哪里?顺便问 the same as .和 the same...as ...有什么区别吗? 怎么用正弦定理求三角形面积? 有能帮我改下作文的好人嘛? 可以的联系我一下 谢谢啦 有人可以帮我改下作文吗 急 可以的好人联系我下 一篇意大利短文求好人帮我改一下nella mattina,mi alzo ,poi lavare i denti e mangio colazione .A colazione io molto piace mangio il pane e il latte .dopo io andare la scuola .A pranzo mi piace carne con pasta ,perche buono . poi io fare c -you look healthy.-__________.A.just so so B.thank you C.the same to you D.not at all 英语翻译Apart from these ownership rights,the Licensed Patents are not encumbered by any other complementary rights.请问这句怎么翻译Each party is entitled to be made the public registration of the Licence Agreement in virtue of Chinese la 你和汤姆在年龄上相同.Tom and you are the same ()() 数学试卷分析怎么写 (200—300字) i have no place to liveI have no place to live (in).这里的in到底应不应该有,为什么? 高中英语一题单选Linda,can you manage it without help?It seems no easy.-_____I have done such a task before.A.With pleasure.B.Take care.C.Don't worry.D.Why not?应该选哪个呢?为什么呢@_@ The biologist has been here for ______.A.one day or two B.one or two days C.a day or two days D.one and two days答案是选B的,可是我觉得A,C也可以啊,请问这是为什么啊?英语书上有这样的用法a tear or two =one or two tears 高中英语单选 第一题应该选什么 英语翻译10.5 In the event that atleast one Non-Selling Party accepts the First Offer (an “Accepting Party”) andany of the other Non-Selling Parties rejects or fails to accept such offer inthe manner provided by item (c) of sub-clause 10.2 (a 英语翻译1、论文从“人肉搜索”这一社会普遍现象对个人网络隐私权的侵权等方面进行讨论.2并以“人肉搜索”对网络隐私权的侵权案例为例,论述了人肉搜索的利弊,从而发现问题.3、将行 列宁的读书方法 《列宁的故事》:少年时代的列宁总是注意保持作业本的干净、整齐.有一次,他不小心将一个大墨点滴在作业本上.虽然这一页已快写满了,可他不肯让清洁、整齐的作业本上留下这个墨点.他 一个高中英语单选Students are expected to dress -----,suitable for weather,and in good tasteA accurately B adequately C essentially D attractively请说明理由 心理学与生活论文2000字左右 I have a room to live in 这是什么结构啊?我们知道用不定式,但是原因呢?是动宾关系吗? I have to go to the Children's Palace to learn the piano是动词不定式作后置定语吗? 有什么关于列宁的故事? 列宁的故事有哪些? 列宁的故事 有关列宁的故事要故事. 六字在电上用拼音怎么输入才能打出来 如何用正弦定理证明三角形面积 列宁有哪些故事?只写标题. 智商的高低与脑袋大小有关吗? 1道高中英语单选It was foolish of himto_____his notes during that important test,and as a result,he got punished.A.refer to B.stick to C.come to D.turn to 头的大小决定智商的高低吗? 怎么让字体打出来的字带上拼音呢?