
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 22:10:53
I often ride my bike to school 用tomorrow改写句子 we look at the writings of the people who lived then.这个句子如何翻译? 翻译:the day when we once lived and the people once we loved,will never come back 英语翻译用软件的不要~We are looking for people who want the world’s leaders to be accountable to,and supportive of,them personally. 求翻译:People are crossing the street looking at their cell phones and using walking sticks in order to see. Meat has been sold out in this shop.We can __now.A.have been sold,get nothing B.has been,askedMeat has been sold out in this shop.We can __now.A.have been sold,get nothing B.has been,askedC.have been,asked D.have,been asked will have been sold out 是什么语法 were sold和have been sold的区别 The old man ____ lived here for more than 20 years.添have 还是 has? Turner,a __man who has lived in the city for more than 50 years.A.79 years old B.79-year-oldC.79-years-old D.79 year old Once there lived a rich man _who / that _ who wanted to do sth for the people of his own.这里的关系代词可以用that吗,请给出理由.Thanks! 冬天来了春天还会远吗 是谁写的 怎么分辨拼音中的3声和4声 声调 百合花的寓意是什么?百合花是代表什么的啊,我喜欢的那个女孩说她喜欢百合.说不要玫瑰,玫瑰不好看.我想在情人节那天送她. 如何形容百合 请确保你们的家长明天都来参加这次重要会议英语翻译 I love you,Always be happy with your lover please,I hope you can.. You must certainly be happy,because love you I hope you always happy 什么意 "憎恶"两个字的汉语拼音我的意思是发音是第几声,呵呵 朋友两个字的拼音加声调怎么注? 谁帮我用带声调的汉语拼音打出这两个字?就是打出 周、婧两个字, ‘邯郸’这两个字的拼音是什么?怎么发音,声调是什么? 求两个字的拼音:阖闾, 为什么 They will arrive in London next Monday 要加in 、、、、、、、、、、 They are___to arrive in time.A.likely B.possibly C.maybe D.probably 百合花代表什么寓意我过生日时他给我订了一个蛋糕是心形的上面有好多百合花 The monkey in a long tail is very lovely.这句话哪里错了 The little monkey's tail is about 30cm long.(对30cm提问) little,tail,monkey's,30cm,the,is,long,about(?)连词成句 Anyway,I hope you will always be happy.//thank you i hope you found your best love I will always be with you,so hope you happy and not alone...But who's gonna be with me?的中文意思I will always be with you,so hope you happy and not alone...But who's gonna be with me?中文意思是什么 always be good,so peaple will love you.always work hard and do your best.是甚么意思