
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 06:01:19
house 和horse 的读音一样吗 horse和hippopotamus的复数形式是什么?怎么发音?fish是不是单复数同形?它在做什么?----翻译成英文. house的复数是什么? house的复数 house与horse读音有什么区别? 英语翻译1.关于环保的:As you know,there's no enough clean water for people.So many of them lose their lives because of water.In a lot of countries,people have to cut trees for living.So there's nothing to keep water from running away.Also we 高中英语完形,阅读怎么提高? 在比例尺是1:4000000地图上……在比例尺是1:4000000地图上,量的深圳到广州的图上距离是4厘米,有两辆客车同事分别从深圳、广州,相向而行,进过4/5小时两车相遇,已知甲车每小时行90千米,乙车 在一幅比例尺是1:4000000的地图上,甲、乙两城相距4.5厘米,两辆汽车同时从甲、乙两地相向出发,2小时后相遇,已知快车每小时行50千米,慢车每小时行多少千米? 在比例尺是4000000/1的地图上,量的A,B两地的距离是3cm,一辆汽车以每小时45千米的速度从A地开出,经过几小时才能到达B地 青春校园卷首语怎么写? 三根木棒,长分别12厘米.44厘米.56厘米,把它们截成相同的小木棒,不许剩余,求每根木棒长多少厘米?一共截成几段?要算式 两个问题 house,horse加了s后的发音 英语翻译Do you know yaoming?The famous basketball star?let me tell you!YaoMing was born on December 12,1980 in China.He is 2.26m tall.when he was 18 years old,he became a member of China Bsketball Star Team.In 2000,he joined the National basketba _____ camera did you take the photos with? Mine. A What B Which C Who D Whose_____ camera did you take the photos with?Mine.A What B Which C Who D Whose 用所给词的适当形式填空1.My name has_________(take)a lot of photos with the new camera.2.I have two_________(knife).Wnich one do you want?3.The book is very_________(interest),and all the students are_________(interest)in it.4.Class begins. Today some mobile phones can take pictures(like)a camera.Now people often take photos(with)theirmobile phones.为什么不填as,by? He is taking photos (with) a camera为什么要填with?请说明用法 house的复数形式怎么读?知识后边的ses,有的人说是zis,有的人说是siz.I am confused!能给出音标吗? 今天,我哭了 英文 怎么样的政治家受人们爱戴? 英语翻译Recently feeling extremely low power,as the recent weather clouds.Perhaps this will neve* **ll surveys of their own.Cold hearts again be thoroughly watered without a tinge of warmth!Why has their isolation and loneliness and to be partner 英语翻译能翻译成同义句的要翻译.1.自从1989年他就已经开始学英语了.2.我今天一上午都在打扫房间.3.你已经等多久了?4.会议将持续多久?5.他一直在这条街住了近20年了.6.你6点起就一直在给他 翻译 如果我哭了谁会为我心疼 怎么在邮局订阅21世纪英语报 21世纪英文报邮局订阅问题好像是这个名字吧。要最新的。邮局要订阅编码。 求He is “over the moon” about it.的意思“over the moon” over the year(多年来)造一句句子(用到过去分词)!一定要简单一点!急 英语翻译How much ________ ________ black jackets? 英语翻译 I am asking for the 怎样改变自己?怎样改变语言表达能力,怎样提高社会交往能力?