
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 01:23:56
法国巴黎埃菲尔铁塔“英文”简介或法国出名的建筑英文简介, 法国巴黎埃菲尔铁塔的优缺点? 英语高手进,中翻英一个句子翻译也许你是无心的,但是你知道吗,你这样做在多数人看来是很不礼貌的。而且你来过中国,你见到的中国人难道长得是这个样子的吗? 指出华盛顿为美国实现民族独立和民主政治做出的贡献 1.雅典民主政治是通过哪次改革建立起来的?2.伯利克里时期最高权利机关?3.如何看待那时的奴隶主民主政治? 罗马之子这是几个意思,有办法解决吗 中文名xu lin lin.想取个听着与中文名相近的英文名.中文名Xu lin lin.想取个听起来和中文名相进的英文名. 对雅典民主的评价? here is a man with a __ far tougher than mesituation or position?why? 请高手翻译:a play in which distance is an advantage 雅思作文打分Some people think that with the computer and Internet students can learn at home without going to school.But others believe students can learn more effectively with teachers at school.Discuss on both sides and give your own opinion. 请给这篇雅思作文打分.In the present age,international aids are playing increasingly important roles in certain poorer countries’s progress.But in the meantimes,whether giving aids to poorer countires has more adverse impact than positive That ruler is 30 cm in_____.(long) He often hears someone(played,plays,play)the violin in the classroom应选择哪个答案,求求了 冰岛是否属于加拿大 北冰洋气候寒冷,冰期长,但近年来俄罗斯、美国、加拿大、丹麦、挪威等国对其争夺骤然升级,请从海洋对人类影响的角度思考:为什么这些国家如此热衷这片海域? 谁能给我起一个英文名!xue jian lin 薛 建 林 要和名字谐音的!最好要不普通的!不平凡的!不常见的! 求2011宫东风阅读新题型密码如题 请问有谁知道2012宫东风英语阅读新题型真题密码唔 宫东风 阅读新题型 密码 His attitude towards life is more positive in comparison to _______ he held one year ago.A.itHis attitude towards life is more positive in comparison to _______ he held one year ago.A.it B.one C.that D.the one我也不知道是什么从句,但是 watch your manner是什么? being set up,on the lam,read one's mind,wind up,you feel me,watch your back I married him last year because of the baby是什么句型 高中英语关于状语从句的省略:The man we followed suddenly...The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as if____ whether he was going in the right direction.A.seeing B.to see我知道选B,因为可以将原句还原为"The man we fo Your new cap is ( )your head.这是一道选择题:A、draw B、draws C、drawing 给我找个酷的AU名字:我的名字叫飞要英文名字哦 求广州最好的补习班,补习初二英语,小孩一真都很怕学英语,怕记单词,现在甚至有点厌学了.家住在越秀区,最好是在越秀区的补习班,去上课也比较方便,小孩的英语成绩真的越来越差了,再不补 初二英语如何赶上去?我小学基础没打好,如何记单词啊!人教版的. 宫东风网络课堂密码 求写作和阅读基础密码,THANKS A LOT 将下列句子改为被动语态,空一词We must ask the man not to smoke here The man_be_not_ _hereI water flowers every dayflowers_ _ _ _every day2.He often makes Mrs Green laughMrs Green is often_ _laugh by him3.They can finish the work on timeT the last decades of the 19th century 十九世纪最后二十年 这里在哪体现的20年啊?