
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 06:32:05
一.根据读音,趣味联想字母.1.Which letter is a drink?It's _____.2.which little is a partof your body?It's ____.3.which letter can fly in the sky?It's ____.4.Which letter is yourself?It's ____.5.Which letter is a question?It's ____. 在空前严重的经济危机面前胡佛 胡佛反经济危机政策失败的根本原因? 三个英语口试话题,急求高手帮忙!每个话题大概说1分钟,不要太长了,谢谢!1.a place i like to travel in 2.my plan for winter vacation 3.an advertisement i like best 回答好者有重赏!下星期就要考了,急啊! 英语口试话题 civil rights 应该说些什么啊 12生肖中最不怕冷的动物是什么? 什么动物最不怕冷也最不怕热 you run a lot and kick the ball in this game 的中文意思以及谜底 in this game you hit the ball 的中文意思以及谜底 seeing his strong interest in this game of 22men run after a ball为什么run改成running,顺便麻烦各位帮我划分下这个句子成分.此处为什么非得是running作定语,而不能是22 men do sth(也就是22 men run)PS:这个句子应 植物的情感的起伏是以什么为依据的,科学家用什么仪器测试植物的"情感"? 哪些植物有感情 a horse is an animal为什么NAIMAL前面要加AN, Which letter is a drink?的解答.Which letter is a drink?的解答是什么?是地球人的来解答. A:It's an animal.B:Is it big?A:Yes,it's very ------.B:Is it a horse?A:No,------.B:Is it atigher?A:No,it isn't.B:Is it an elephant?A:Yes,it is. 寻求英语口试主题口语考试:要求teach a topic两人一组.时间10-15分钟,1introduce your topic.2.an activity to reinforce your topic5分钟3.closing comments that critique our students3分钟.我想征集大家的意见,说什么主题 (1)that's an ________(act)movie.the________(act)is Johnny Depp(2)Beijing and Shanghai are famous_______(city)in China.(3)when do you go tobed every night?(改为同义句)________ _________do you go to bed every night?(4)this subject is interesti The film about clowns is exciting,it make me _____.(interest) That is an exciting movie.(改为感叹句)=( )(     )(    )(  )it is! 上帝也疯狂1 阐述的中西方文化差异(英文的最好) 世界上最耐寒最不怕冷的动物是什么了? 什么动物最不怕冷? The ____________ animal that lives on land is the AfricanElephant.( )a. larger c. largestb. large d. most largest 放射性元素属于化学元素吗 星巴克星享卡买一送一可以是不同的饮料吗如题 可以买的和送的不一样吗 星巴克的星享卡说的买两个商品指定一盒via 关于关联星巴克星享卡的问题我现在有一张金卡.我想新买一张星享卡,关联进我的账户.新卡开通后立刻获得的几个卷,以及当我的新卡升到五颗星后得到的奖励也会并入我的账户吗? 我想知道有什么话题大概20分钟左右让高中生感兴趣的话题 90後旳对什么话题感兴趣?身为90後旳我们.对许许多多旳事物感兴趣.那么,最感兴趣旳话题是什么?. 现在90后最热门的话题都有什么? 改错 There were over 500000 deaths due to automobile accidents in the U.S.last year.A third of thesThere were over 500000 deaths due to automobile accidents in the U.S.last year.A third of these could have been avoided but the drivers hadn't fasten You told me there were many taxis but ____ none over there.是用were 还是was?答案是were,请问为什么