
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:18:30
She ( )the door bell rang,when she ( ) to the music.A was hearing,listened B heard,was listeningC hears,is listeningD has heard,listens 能把 baby sister 的链接给我一个吗?谢谢 xfc19900215@163.com It was estimated that the thieves had stolen _____ worth of jewelry from the shop.A.one-million-dollar\x05B.one million dollar’sC.one million dollars’\x05D.one million dollars 1、Tom ——that he had stolen the wallet.A、allowed B、permit C、feared D、admitted2、James went swimming ————when he was young.A、every other day B、every two day C、every a few da It ______ that the jewels had been stolen by a traveler It is estimated that the price of a personal computer ______ by an average of 25% a year since 1990.A.fell B.had fallenC.is falling D.has fallen选哪个,为什么? His (acknowledge) ___that he had stolen the expensive necklace proved that his sister was innocent该用什么形态? baby sister的歌词是什么? Baby Sister 的歌词 英语 1.He hurt her _______ badly ______ she had to see a doctor.A.too;that B.so;that C.either;or D英语 1.He hurt her _______ badly ______ she had to see a doctor.A.too;that B.so;that C.either;or D.too;to2.It's five years since I _____ you last ti 中学物理里有句话我不理解:"导体两端有了电势差,导体内就建立了电场"我不明白它为什么用"建立",好象电场来源于电势差,这不对!电势差本来就存在(因为电场先存在),导体放入电场,导体内就 Many parents don't allow their ----to go out at night.A fifteen years old B fifteen-year-old C fifteen-year-olds D fifteen-years-old选择什么?为什么? 填空好么?The children k___ their parents good night. Look,Mary is looking tor her pencil.Where is it? Parents should allow children to choose their own clothes.(改为被动语态)Children ( ) ( ) ( )to choose their own clothes. Parents should allow their chilren to choose their clthes(改为被动语态) 谁能告诉我这几句话的意思啊1.落红无情物,化作春泥更护花.2.造物无害却有情,每于寒尽觉春生.3.今夜偏知春气暖,虫声新透绿窗纱.4.此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故乡情.5.卧看满天云不动,不知云 wanna say thank u to u all,coz u have been far too kind so far.i'm satisfied to have all of u guyz,cross my heart.=) 英语翻译翻译:Because they were so big that it took a long time to the other side. 什么情况下需要运用swot分析模型~ 英语翻译 Whereever people have spread in the world,they have killed wolves为什么要用完成时而不用过去时 in+名词=形容词 例:people fled in panic as the fire spread. 求CF里的无线电英文一定要按里面说的完全翻译过来 she became a skating champion when she was ten改否定 She become a skating champion when she was ten 中when she was ten 是不是定语 英语翻译席琳-迪昂的A New Day Has Come (魔兽世界主题曲)中 “A New Day Has Come ”的翻译为什么译成“真爱来临”,而不是翻译成“新的一天来临” 什么是SWOT方法以企业的角度怎么解释?要是从女人在花钱上是怎么解释的? 什么是SWOT矩阵法 last 和 stay在天气上表持续的区别 last 和 stay意为持续时的区别?能举几个例子吗? stay 和last 有什么区别?The weather will stay for another three weeks.这里为什么不用last呢?