
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 15:36:16
为什么说1979年是一个春天,这里的春天指什么这次的会议召开地点在哪里 这次会议召开有两个重大战略,它们分别是什么有一位老人在1979年画了一个圈是指什么,这位老人谁,用一句话评价这位 n个人中至少有m个人的生日在同一月的概率(假设每月出生概率均相同),n个人中恰有有m个人的生日在同一月的概率(假设每月出生概率均相同), 矩阵As*n,Bn*m,证明rank(AB)>=rank(A)+rank(B)-n 高层楼梯间栏杆采用不锈钢和玻璃结合,请问一定要采用夹胶玻璃,只用钢化玻璃是否可行.请说明哪个规范内容 楼梯间独立明框玻璃幕墙,层间是否需要做防火隔层? (小学数学题)一个数,它的百位上的5,万位上是6,十位上是7,其余各位上都是0,这个数写作( ),读作一、填空一个数,它的百位上的5,万位上是6,十位上是7,其余各位上都是0,这个数写作( ),读作 5元8分 读作:写作: 五十四点三千米,写作? 楼高3米进深2.9米楼梯间踏步是多少?每个踏步的高和宽又是多少?如何计算的?,应该分二步走,转弯处预留80公分空间是农村老家的 楼高3米进深2.9米楼梯间踏步是多少?每个踏步的高和宽又是多少?如何计算的?应该分二步走,转弯 07年第二学期浙江七下科学期末试卷答案 证明:对于任意复数矩阵有 【其中T为转置,为矩阵取共轭】rank为求矩阵的秩 求七下近几年的数学及科学期末试卷, 求七下新昌2009年第二学期的科学期末试卷 三阶矩阵A=(aij)3x3的特征值为2,3,4 ,Aij为行列式A中元素aij的代数余子式,求 A11+A22+A33的值? 一道高数题,设y=ln【f(x)】,其中f’’(x)存在,求(d^2y)/(dx^2) , 高数题设x=(t+1)e^t,y=t^2*e^t,求d^2y/dx^2 d^2y /dx^2 - 24 =0 dy/dx -2y = e^-xd^2y /dx^2 - 24 =0dy/dx -2y = e^-xdy/dx-xy = 2x请问这种题怎么解=_= 若f''(x)存在,且y=f(x^2),求(d^2y)/(dx^2) 船舶结构图中W、S表示什么?是断开和连续吗? 304287读作什么 Teenagers are very busy now ang often forget to think about their diets and exercise .the truth is ,healthy eating along with regular exercise is the o___ way to keep fit.D___ your teenage years ,it is importaat to give your body the e___ it needs .T 英语填空(哪位高手帮帮我,孩子的作业,谢谢啦!不胜感激)i am_1__DAqingNO.1 Middle school Foreign Language school.Iam _2_Junior One.I like __3_books and _4__computer games.But I can not play all__5__.I have got a lt of subjects. S 英语作业求填空!present continuous or present simple.Hello,Steve?Is everythingok?_______(you/do) everthing right?Yeah,dont worry,Dad Everything's gret.____________(i/count/always)the newspaper,before____(i/open) the shop_______(you/count) them? Ben_____a high fever.A.have got B.have get C.has got 帮我做作业```````英语填空Teenagers have a_____kinds of dtearms.Some are m_____ realistic than othere.For ex-ample,may students said they w_____ like to be volunteers at the 2008 Olimpics,Maybe working as translators of tour g_____.And quite 若A^2=E,证明rank(A+E)+rank(A-E)=n 10年8月9日新闻联播主要内容文字概括就行了!急用! 选择填空.The photos aren't there______,but they were there______.A.a moment ago;nowB.just now;a moment agoC.now;a moment agoHow many students_______their birthdays in june?A.haveB.hasc.are there 选择正确的答案填空1.He used to sit____me when we were classmates.a)in front b)besides c)beside d)behind of2.Thank you so much but I've already ______some books from the library.a)lent b)took c)return d)borrowed3.He stood up at once when I __ 英语一填空二选择1、The mother was so sad that she said nothing.---The mother was too sad to say ______.(nothing\something\anything\everything)2、So you're back from Shenzhen.Could you tell us what you went that for?---Oh,just______a good fr 数学期望E(X)和均值有什么联系和区别?