
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:01:01
“女娲补天时剩下的石头,被丢弃在大荒山无稽崖青埂峰下,后被渺渺真人带入红尘历尽,离合悲欢”的情节出自我国古典名著《 》. "女娲补天时剩下一块石头,被丢弃在大荒山无稽崖青埂峰下………………最后那块石头被真人带入红尘,历尽了 一道英语填空题the boy shouted in a low voice,so that he couldn't_____ ____ _____by people.中文释义:这个男孩喊的声音很低,结果人们听不到他的声音. 作文:我有我的芳香 要求:①记叙文 ②550~600字之间 以最佳为题目的记叙文六年级550字左右 以“陪伴”为题目的记叙文,600字以上! It is so noisy in the room that I__hardly hear what you are saying A.could B.might C.can't D.can He is so noisy that no one wants to look after him.同义句⦅❷种⦆He is____ ____ ______ _______that no one wants to look after him.同样的空『二种』 She comes form Shanghai对Shanghai提问 世界是最美的女孩應該是什么樣的?清純嫵媚·環肥鷰瘦·秀外慧中·青齣于藍·沉魚落雁·閉月羞花,究竟那一種女孩纔是世界上最最漂亮具有魅力的? 得不到的永远是最美的么. 你认为最美的人生是怎样的? 1 that is a watch of his还是him2 Neither Mr Green nor his wife _____where the bank was.A.knew B.knows C.know D.didn’t know3—Look!It be Mr Zhang.—No,it be Mr Zhang.He has gone to Paris. The price of a watch is higher than_____of a pen.A.it B.price C.any D.that请加理由 哪里是中国最美的乡村? 中国最美的乡村是什么 寇字开头 成语 谁有知道寇字开头的成语 根据对话内容填入适当的单词A:Excuse me,could you tell me the ___ to the East Park?B:Certainly.Go down this street and ___ on the second turning ___ the right.Then walk on ___ you reach the end.You will find the park in front of you.A:How 填入适当的词或句完成对话John:Tim,glad to see you again.___you enjoy your summer holiday?Tim:Yes,how about you Did you stay at home John:___.I went to Emei Mountain in Sichuan and had a wonderful time there.Tim:Really?So did I.John:And I__ 根据对话内容,填入适当的单词完成对话A:Is(1)_____a post office in the (2)_______?B:Yes,there (3)_________.A:Can you tell me the (4)_______ there B:Go(5)_____ Bridge Street.Then turn left .It's(6)_________your right.And it's (7)________ 塞翁失马相似得名人故事 They push __ about like animals in a market.A.someoneB.themC.each otherD.those others选什么,为什么为什么选这个 这是什么?if you pull me,Ilike like a cane,but if you push me,I look like a tent 大家知道有以”寇“字开头的成语吗? 怎么样才可以快速的学会广东话? 根据对话内容,写出正确的句子或单词,完成对话Excuse me.Is there a supermarket in your town?( )Can you tell me the ( )to the supermarket?sure.Just go straight and( )left.It's ( )from the bank,( )to the library. my black smile a rich Black day dream 的英文意思? The boy climbed up to the top of the hill,from____he could have a good view of the whole town.A.as B.that C.what D.where这道题为什么选where?填which正确吗但是前面不是有from吗 The children climbed up the hill,________ they picnicked.A.on its top B.on the top of it C.on whose top D.on the top of it hill,they,climbed,the,up.连词成句,