
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 21:54:40
求:什么是光网络保护?要基本概念 帮妈妈做家务活 用英语怎么说 我的是你的三倍怎么说啊?I have three times as ______you.最好十点种以前给我个答案,...Is that ______you have a few days off?填becase还是why.为什么?应该是as___(more)as you 少打了几个字母They talk instead of —I have three apples.—I have 9.So I have 3 times _____than you.A less B fewerC larger D more 请问三倍多应该选哪个,如果是不可数名词有没有多三倍这一说法的? 汽车的品牌都有哪些,它们的标志都各是什么样的?请一一用图来解释! 1.请问1处那里的类似等号代表什么意思?2.2处那里的尺寸在那里可以求得? 请朋友们帮我解释一首诗.杨王久谢瑶池赏,豪酒原非命世才.杰有闲行犹得在,赠君珍重抵琼瑰.这是个朋友送我的,但我不是文学系的. 姚广孝《题观音岩》云:“高阁凌空如履地,长江万里来无际.世人可到不可留,只许禅僧深夏住.乱帆来往逐云飞,隔岸淮山拥翠微.大士岩间常宴坐,一灯夜照客船归.” 《送友人》中李白哪句诗说明了与朋友依依不舍?在最后两句中! People all over the world don't like mice,but they like one mouse-the famous Mickey Mouse.More than fifty years ago,most films were silent.(1)_________ The mouse could talk in his films.He called his mouse Mickey Mouse.(2)_______ Soon Mickey Mouse be Football___(like) by many people all over the world.怎么填, Have you had a very bad time in your life?How do you pull yourself through the hard times?一分钟以上英语口语作文,好的再加分.你懂得 用all the hamburgers people eat over world连词成句 so far ,the students ___ asked to work hard at least 5 times.为什么用have been? People from all over the world like it from all over the world 是不是修饰people吖 有have good times吗 People ____ all over the world like watching basketball game. hard These issues are especially serious to the service industry for two reasons:First,the industry doesn't have the excitement of the high-tech industries (even though many have now fallen on hard times). 根据句意补充句子_______________,但是我们会一直支持他.玉树地震让我感受到什么叫“众志成城”;也让我感受到_______________________.玉树地震让我感受到什么叫“众志成城”;_____________让我感 根据句意,将句子补充完整1)l sing songs.l am a------------.2) l drive bus.l am a------------.3) l write stories.l am a------------.4) l dance.l am a------------.5) l clean streets.l am a------------. 根据句意把句子补充完整 小米2S RAM使用问题……如图求解释! 《客房夜床服务报告单》 用英语怎么说,要官方一点的, 中译英,”汽车改装配件”! 《以分钟为单位进行设置》,中译英,不用直译,意思表达出来即可. 汉译英:文件需要设置什么权限由文件的管理者发来邮件,写明对那个文件需要设置什么权限 ”翻译领域:机械,合同,外贸,产品说明书等“ 请把上面这句话翻译成英语. 这是什么昆虫-蜂?这是什么昆虫-蜂类?长约4厘米,宽约1.5厘米,翅膀反光,呈现绿金色,全身黑色,头\触角和螳螂\黄蜂一样,黑色,六条腿有绒毛. I have just heard on the radio that Nanjing Roadis jammed w( )cars.)里填什么 请给我一点时间,我将还你一片绿色.的正确英文翻译. 小苏打又名碳酸氢钠,有哪些方面的用途? 怎样写句子:且怎样解读一句话