
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:49:09
谁能教我写一篇关于杜甫历史论文?我想以杜甫为的一生为引子对他所处的历史时代背景进行议论(文体为议论文).不需要是全文,哪怕是一段话,一句话,只要精辟就好~不过最好还是能多写点~ 成语 一字千( ) 结出四个函数:y=-2x,y=3x-2,y=1/x(x 下面的SQL语法哪里错了?怎样改正?create table catch_dedecms(id int auto_increment primary key,litpic varchar,litpic_path varchar,title varchar,area varchar,language varchar,year int,director varchar,actor varchar);报错:ERROR 1064 (4200 Emissions trading system is a market-based mechanisms of environmental economic policies.Article on the emissions trading system,the origin,characteristics and advantages of the analysis,evaluation shows that emissions trading system is to solve a pr 高手帮忙看一下下面这句话有语法问题吗However, in Chinese social interaction, people usually obey the principle of politeness that one plays oneself down and plays the others up, which are reflected in the salutation incisively and vi 当x趋向于0时,求证lim(2x+1)/x-1=-1 已知正方形ABCD内一点P 过点P做EF⊥GH,求证EF=GH 如图 已知正方形abcd 若ef=gh 求证:ef⊥gh老师说先作出GH(向下作),EF(向右作)的平行线 再用HL 如图,在正方形ABCD中,E.F.G.H分别在四个边上,且EF垂直于GH,求证:EF=GH. 皮带传动公式 在正方形ABCD中 点EHFG分别在四条边上,且EF⊥GH,求证EF=GH 请问有谁知道今年(2012)梁灿彬老师的《微分几何与广义相对论》什么时候、在哪里开课? 在正方形ABCD中,任作两条互相垂直的直线EF,GH分别交正方形各边于E,G,F,H,说明:EF等于GH. 正方形ABCD中,EF⊥GH,EF=10CM,求GH 在正方形ABCD 任意两条垂直的直线EF、GH交与正方形各边求证EF=GH 如果你的生命只剩下1年,你最想做一件什么事? 高一数学有限集和无限集的区别 药理学的简答题四、简答题1、青霉素引起最严重的不良反应是什么?应用何药抢救?2、简述阿托品的主要作用和用途.3、简述强心苷中毒的防治.4.抗胆碱药分为哪几类?各举出一个主要药物.5 o是正方形abcd的两条对角线的交点,ef,gh都过点o,ef垂直hg,ae=cf1.以点 o为旋转中心,将整个图形作旋转变换.问至少旋转多少度角,所得的像和原图形重合?2.根据第一题的结果,判断图中有哪些全等的 杂么算 两皮带轮间 皮带要多少 有公式吧 假如生命只剩下1年 你们会想些什么 有意义的事 我想看看别人的想法 假如你的生命只剩下最后一年,你打算做什么事情? 如果你的生命还剩最后一个小时,你最想做什么? 这句语法哪里错误?To start with,it's of benefit to find your disadvantages,however,it is that your laziness,selfishness and arrogant are never easy to be realized,not to mention to getting rid of them by yourself,and managing to drop them. 要正确答案和讲解,.1.This is the house____my parents used to live.A.which B.that C.where D.who D肯定不对,哪ABC哪个是对的?为什么?2.She plays the piano better than ____in her class.A.any other boys B.any other boy C.the other boys D ---How ofen do you go to see a film?---_____,Monday,Wednesday and Friday.A.Every day B.Every three days C.Every few days D.Every other day最好有为什么,或者有什么知识点也麻烦教一下 这几句语法有错误么?i still remember the bedtime stories that mum told me.i still remember those old songs which my grandparents liked.but everything i have has changed. 义和团运动实质有没有发生变化 能介绍一下杜甫的生平吗,最好结合诗句1 1、Tom hurt himself so ( )that we took him to hospital.A hard B badlyC bad D hardly2\When SARS passes,we should think( ) A what lesson we will have learnedB what we will have learned3\He was on his last legs.on his last legs means( )A worried B worn 说说义和团运动发生的原因,你如何评价义和团运动?历史题~~急~~